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(Free Topic): COVID 19: an old friend of human being? Black and White!

by Alan Portocarrero | 09-04-2020 03:53

Nowadays, the world population seems to be scared of COVID 19. Flies are forbidden from Italy to Spain, from Europe to Asia and from Africa to North and South America[1] . Regarding to Peru, the president pinned down social movement to stop the spread of the virus, streets and districts shine for their strict silence. On the other hand, religious people believe this is the beginning of an apocalypses and for scientifics, a challenge for society. The consequences, of this pandemic are impossible to estimate totally, but the effects are being analysed in all the fields such as Health, Education, Labour and Economic[2]. Personally, the arising of virus and illnesses is part of Nature and there is nothing to be afraid of, because as Yubal Noah Harari pointed out, in an implicit way, in his book ¡°Homo Deus¡±, facts like this were and will be onward part of the Human Agenda[3] . In fact, Coronavirus is metaphorically a test of resilience to our everyday environment and society. 

During centuries, epidemics, pandemics, starvation, plagues and, even disasters served as evaluators of  life stability .Our evolution¡¯s history is full of these kind of facts and events. Since the beginning, of homo sapiens, our Agenda has been alerted to enemies who show us a surviving risk. For example, in our primitive age we suffered hazards at the time we decided to step down the trees, and faced an ominous environment. Thereupon, hunger and health difficulties were our priority. The case of ¡°Communicable diseases existed during humankind¡¯s hunter-gatherer days(¡¦) Malaria, tuberculosis, leprosy, influenzasmallpox and others first appeared during this period¡±[4]. Likewise, at the medieval age occurred the same, as illustration let us have a look the famous Black Death, which had the onus of several deaths worldwide. Moreover, we had The Great Plague of London, 1665; First Cholera Pandemic, 1817; The Third Plague Pandemic, 1855;Russian Flue, 1889; Spanish Flue, 1918; Asian Flu, 1957; HIV/SIDA, 1981; Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, SARS, 2003 and currently COVID 19[5]. The nexus between those infections is that they fulfilled a great role, to test the long-term stability of human being. In biology class I was taught that the Earth is in constant evolution and the diverse elements presented in nature can influence the process. So, I can claim that those factors, pointed out before, occur to make our specie the long-lasting climax community, which will tolerate heavy damage from next hazards.   Laurent Henri said: "An epidemic is always a testing time for a society and an era"[6]. In other words, we are currently experiencing a Natural Selection, the stronger will survive and the weak will die.Therefore, expecting to end up with infections sounds like an irony due to they will never disappear. Unlike, we must geared up due to they will be evaluating our adaptation and stability onward.

On the other hand, COVID 19 pandemic reverberates as a natural regulator of population growth also. Taking this, as an environmentalist point of view, our Earth regulates its biomass through natural sources. For example, in an ecosystem, the process of maintaining the amount of living creature subdued is through the hunting between animals or in case of plants, there are agricultural plagues which control and keep the environment well-adjusted. It may sound weird but that¡¯s the reason why, plague and virus infections exist. If we look at the aetiology of most of virus attacks, they came from nature, located in distinct animals and transmitted by zoonosis. Take the case of Ebola, it was transmitted by fruit bats and primates; H1N1 flu, emerged from pigs and nowadays pandemic COVID 19 has the same root, due to it originated by bats[7].  However, what if germs and pandemics did not exist? Let¡¯s see, it is estimated that Black Death killed 75 million to 200 million people worldwide and perhaps half of England's population[8] .Likewise, other virus infections also had death consequences, thus, decreased the demographic percentage. Albeit, it sounds horrible the death toll benefited our nowadays society how? If there were no pandemics in history, people had never died and, our population would be catastrophic. Million and billion of humans worldwide, the shortage of supplies would be real and terrible. Moreover, the pollution consequences would be, even bigger. My mother usually says everything happens for one reason. In this case, diseases, virus and plagues problems occur naturally for bridling the biological growth and maintaining ecosystem in an adequate balance.

Nonetheless, some people contrast this point of view, for example it is thought currently COVID 19 is a response of Nature to human destruction onto our environment, and also a warning to care more about it because Mother Nature can be sometimes cruel with human. I do not exclaim this opinion is wrong, but I do have other view of the issue. I mean this new time of virus, COVID 19, is to reflect on how we all isolated from Nature and to think we as human are not different from other specimens around us, due to, we have the same purpose in life, to be able to adaptate and to have a long life. However, we moved away, in great extend, from Nature with the idea to better our living that we got ourselves into an artificial world created by concrete. So many time, we were distracted by laptops, smarthphones and, shopping that when deal with pandemic we scare immediately and get under stress due to we forgot human is from the world and pandemics too. As a result, we prejudice ecosystem and, we got out of sense what air, water, land, ecosystem and world is like. Then, we perceive them as enemies because is likely to get possible infections from them. For instance, in my region, some people frustrate me saying that we are at the end of this world and, even start to fire innocent bats[9], because of the situation. We should, instead, be calm and, care about keeping the health recommendations up. Summing up, I do not mean, we do not have to be alarmed, otherwise, to think that this COVID 19 is the opportunity to give us time to reflect on our actions of isolating ourselves from green environment, which in long-term makes us vulnerable to nature actions.   

To end up, COVID 19 shows us a perfect example of human resilience evaluation dealing with environmental attacks. Due to, this pandemic and others throughout history, for example Spanish Flu and Asia Flue and so on are testing our specie capacity  to continue standing alive. Likewise, I can gather that Coronavirus is acting as a natural regulator of population growth because it will reduce our amount of people naturally, that way, let the opportunity to the next generation to count on enough first need supplies. I know this sounds weird!. On the other hand, this health fact, must let us to think about our action of isolating from green environment, due to, it causes our vulnerability to get stress without significant causes. Personally, we must not be afraid of this pandemic, due to it is a natural cycle of the Earth, problems like this will be onward too. The thing, is that we should be prepared and conscious of the consequences. People will die and other will live, remember that we are part of a Cosmo, where all type of matter share the same cycle, from Life to Death. The idea is to survive.  


[1] CNN.(2020).¢¯Que paises fueron phohibidos por el coronavirus?.

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