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Lone Drosher Nielsen - my dream, my love and life.

by Diana Gamazova | 07-04-2020 19:57

In my previous report I've told you about Lone Drosher Nielsen, now I want to make a separate report about her, because she is the one who gave dream to me, she is the one who helped me to find my destiny and hope in this sometimes miserable world. 
Lone was born and raised in Aalborg, Denmark. I first saw orangutans at the age of 14 in the zoo in Aalborg, where I was a volunteer Later, when I worked as a flight attendant for Scandinavian airlines, for a month I took part in a volunteer project on the Indonesian island of Borneo and again had contact with orangutans. From 1996 to 2010, Drocher-Nielson lived in Borneo to help save Borneo's orangutans from extinction due to the clearing of forests for oil palm plantations.After visiting Borneo, Nielsen had the idea to create a new orphanage for orphaned orangutans in Central Kalimantan. It was supported by Willie Smits of the Borneo Orangutan Survival (BOS) Foundation. In 1998 the Lap founded the project for the reintroduction of orangutans in Nyaru Menteng. It received permission from the Indonesian Ministry of forestry, and in 1999 Nyaru Menteng officially opened its doors to the first orangutans who were orphaned and in need of help.

The shelter was designed to hold up to 100 orphaned orangutans while they undergo rehabilitation. In addition to quarantine cages, a medical clinic and a nursery, the shelter had a large area of forest where orangutans could learn the skills needed to live in the wild. Nyaru Menteng quickly became the largest animal rescue project in the world, which as of 2009 cared for more than 600 orphaned and displaced orangutans and had about 200 employees.

Many of these orangutans were less than a month old and psychologically traumatized when they arrived at the shelter. The shelter not only rescues orphaned orangutans, who are mostly held by local farmers and illegal pet dealers, but has developed a process for their gradual return to the Borneo forest.

Babies and young orangutans who are brought to the center are guarded around the clock by a team of"nannies". When they are a little older, they are taken to the "forest school", where they learn, accompanied by staff, to climb trees and survive in the forest. At the age of about eight they move in groups to a nearby island as the first stage of departure to the wild

Nielson lived nearby with the Nyaru Menteng rescue center, ran a specialized clinic for veterinarians and paramedics, and hired Indonesians who work as moms and care for orphaned orangutans. In 2010, she was forced to leave Borneo and return to Europe due to a life-threatening illness. She worked as a senior expert adviser for Save the orangutans international while in Wales. Since 2012, he has been working periodically in Borneo. In July 2018, Nielson released a statement in response to comments regarding the conduct of her former employer organization, Save Save Orangutan, explaining her transition to Orangutan Land Trust.

About the nyaru Menteng shelter, the program Orangutan Island was released on the Animal Planet channel, BBC films and Discovery Channel: Orangutan Island, Orangutan diary, Saving Planet Earth and Growing Up... Orangutan. In 2008, Neilson took part in the Australian documentary drama The Burning Season.

Here is my story how I had contact with her. 
Once I found Lone, she become my idol, I can say. So after i've tried to search her in social network and i found her page in Facebook, so I wrote all my soul in it and so many grateful things, but after a day her friend Michael Deslitson answered me and told that Lone has no pages in social networks, so she lead this page about her, but she told me that she will send my kind message to her. It was one of the best days in my life! 
So i've got inspired and till now ( it was 2 years ago) dreaming about to work in Nyaru Menteng and live there to work with her. 
I want to tell all of you, how crazy your dream might sound, never stop dreaming, ever! Your dreams making your life filled with sense and sometimes can blind you and you will fall in sorrow or despair, but dont put your hands down and don't give up! You should know that someday all your problems or things which dissapoint you will become water under the bridge and your life will be bright as the sun again!

To all of you wishing care about yourself and keep social distance. We will win this battle, but we will do that only if we will face it together and unite all our power. 
For the one whose friends or siblings are medical workers or social employers, give them my honor and gratefulness.