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(Free Report) Global Youth Twitter Chat Session

by Kushal Naharki | 08-04-2020 12:23

The journey between November 2019 to the present moment has not been easy for the World as a result of the devastating effects of the Coronavirus. With more than 1.2 million COVID19 cases having been recorded, new cases continue to be reported while the death toll continues to rise with more than 64000 deaths already recorded. With the increase in the number of Coronavirus cases, most of the Countries are now under lockdowns and emphasizing the need to practice social distancing and washing of hands regularly as ways to prevent the continued spread of COVID19.

In light of the above, the Southern Africa Youth Forum (SAYoF-SADC) on Tuesday 7 April 2020 hosted a *Global Youth Twitter Chat session* on theme: Coronavirus (COVID19) A Global Pandemic: The Role of Youth During this Global Disaster where the Youth from across the Globe discussed and share more on the COVID19 pandemic, its effects to the Youth, how Youth have continued to engage during the lockdowns, the role of the Youth during this disaster as well as experiences on how the Youth are utilizing their positive energy in their Countries to mitigate the spread of COVID19 among others.
I was selected as panelist during the sesssion. It was an great informative session knowing the views of youths around the globe and answer their queries. Here are some of the answers of my qestions of the global chat.

Q. In your own terms what is the Coronavirus?
Recently discovered coronavirus whose outbreak resulted into global pandemic originated in China causes coronavirus disease COVID-19. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses which may cause illness in animals or humans known to cause respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

Q. How is the situation in your Country with regard to the Coronavirus?
Nepal is in its third week of Lockdown extended upto April 15th. There are nine positive cases of corona virus with one recovered and eight in isolation. Total 1890 sample test of patients have been conducted till april 6th. Source: MoHP- Nepal

Q. As the youth, how are you engaging during this difficult moment of the COVID19 in your own Country?
It is necessary to aware people about what is COVID 19 and how it spreads. Awareness among people through social media, call or any other procedure is the primary resposnibilities of youth during this period. I keep myself engaged taking new online courses, interacting over social medias, awaring people in my community and learning new skills and experiences. The best we can do now as youth is make people aware, stop wrong rumors, follow guidelines of WHO, governement and authorities of our region.

Q. From a Youth perspective, what are some of the activities you are doing to engage your peers during this moment where face to face engagements are being discouraged?
Online competitions, online courses will be a best option to engage peers during this moment where internet facilities are available. Learning new skills, writing, reading books, watching your favourite movies and series, helping parents in their works home will help youths to keep themselves busy. Stay updated of the latest information on the COVID-19 and try to make best utilization of your time.
Sharing information is a key element. Awareness campaigns have been run through radio and television to reach the youths in rural areas and who don't have acess to internet and social media.

Q. We have youth migrants who travelled regularly and irregularly to other countries- how can we ensure that their rights are protected during this Covid-19 phase?
In the face of the COVID-19 crisis, we are all vulnerable. This disease can be controlled only if there is an inclusive approach which protects every individual¡¯s rights to life and health. It is vital that everyone, including all youth migrants are ensured equal access to health services and are effectively included in national responses to COVID-19, including prevention, testing and treatment.

Q. What are the some of the social and economic impacts of COVID19 on youtb?
The pandemic has resulted into unemployement due to fear of spread of disease and lockdown in many countries causing economic crisis among the vulnerable people. This has also raised theissue of mental health of youths, children and women too.
Widespread of Virus threatens to fuel food insecurity and is risking the vulnerable populations from lock-downs, economic downfall and disruption in food supply chain. The governments, ngos, international communities and world leaders must cooperate to overcome this emergency.

Q. What are your recommendations and top 3 priority areas to constitute our youth call to action during this covid19 pandemic?
My three recommendations would be
1. Take proper precautions.
Wash your hands properly, use masks and maintain social distancing
2. Don't spread wrong or false information. Follow the guidlines from @WHO, government agencies and official sources.
Wrong information can be as deadly as corona virus itself
3. Stay safe and make best utilization of your time learning new skills, helping parents and peers, sharing informations and awaring people about thw measures to fight this pandemic. We need to fight it together leaving no one behind with responsibl and smart decisions

Q. Your last words to fellow young people on what Health guidelines they must be following to reduce the spread of COVID19 during this moment?
We cannot allow fear or intolerance to undermine rights or compromise the effectiveness of responses to the global pandemic. We are all in this together. We can only defeat this virus when each and every one of us is protected.
At this crucial moment we all need to rally around a common objective, fighting this deadly virus. 
COVID-19 poses a global threat to our collective humanity, our primary focus should be on the preservation of life, regardless of status. This crisis demands a coherent, effective approach that leaves no-one behind.
Be informed Be prepared Be Smart Be safe.