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[Free report] How the ozone layer depletion impacts our lifes?

by Giulia Tavares Madeira Pinto | 05-04-2020 06:59

How the ozone layer depletion impacts our lifes?

Hey everyone! 
Hope y'all are safe, washing your hands and staying at home.

Today I wanna talk abou the ozone layer and how it depletion impact our lifes, but what is ozone layer? It is a  natural layer of the planet that protect all life in Earth from harmful violet (UV) radiation from the sun. 

The ozone depletion starts in the 1970s and cause of this was atributted by industrial and consumer applications, including air conditioners, refrigerators and fire extinguishers.

And how the ozone depletion impacts our lifes?
First of all, the ozone depletion increases the UV radiation, what can cause serious damages for all the types of life in Earth, including the human health.
In humans, our health may be impactated by the depletion through skin cancers, eye cataracts and immunr deficiency disorders.
For the ecosystems, the growth is altered, the relations in food chain too and the biochemical cycles, like nitrogen and water that happens in the places. We can think that this doesn't affect us, but we all interligated and depending of each other, so this, impact us too!!

And we can minimize the damage by reducing the emission of gases that causes the depletion and searching about consumers applications that are eco-friendly and don't produce holes in ozone layer.

Do you have any solution that can help the ozone layer?

Green cheers from Brazil!!