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A visit to local polluted site

by Sonika Pariyar | 01-04-2020 11:50





Pollution is the action of polluting especially by environmental contamination with man made waste. Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change.Pollutants, the components of pollution can be either foreign substance or naturally occurring contaminates. Different types of pollution are air pollution, land pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, light pollution ,thermal pollution, radioactive contamination, plastic pollution and so on.




 The major forms of pollution are listed below along with the particular contaminant relevant to each of them:

¡¤ Air pollution: the release of chemicals and particulates into the atmosphere. Common gaseous pollutants include carbon monoxidesulfur dioxidechlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and nitrogen oxides produced by industry and motor vehicles. Photochemical ozone and smog are created as nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons react to sunlight. Particulate matter, or fine dust is characterized by their micrometre size PM10 to PM2.5.

¡¤ Electromagnetic pollution: the over abundance of electromagnetic radiation in their non-ionizing form, like radio waves, e.t.c. that people are constantly exposed at, especially in large cities. It's still unknown whether or not those types of radiation have any effects on human health, though.

¡¤ Light pollution: It is also called photo pollution,is the presence of anthropogenic and artificial light in the night environment.

¡¤ Littering: the criminal throwing of inappropriate man-made object onto public and private properties.

¡¤ Noise pollution: which encompasses roadway noiseaircraft noiseindustrial noise as well as high-intensity sonar.

¡¤ Plastic pollution: involves the accumulation of plastic products and microplastics in the environment that adversely affects wildlife, wildlife habitat, or humans.

¡¤ Soil contamination occurs when chemicals are released by spill or underground leakage. Among the most significant soil contaminants are hydrocarbonsheavy metalsMTBE,[22] herbicidespesticides and chlorinated hydrocarbons.

¡¤ Radioactive contamination, resulting from 20th century activities in atomic physics, such as nuclear power generation and nuclear weapons research, manufacture and deployment. (See alpha emitters and actinides in the environment.)

¡¤ Thermal pollution, is a temperature change in natural water bodies caused by human influence, such as use of water as coolant in a power plant.

¡¤ Visual pollution, which can refer to the presence of overhead power lines, motorway billboards, scarred landforms (as from strip mining), open storage of trash, municipal solid waste or space debris.

¡¤ Water pollution, by the discharge of wastewater from commercial and industrial waste (intentionally or through spills) into surface waters; discharges of untreated domestic sewage, and chemical contaminants, such as chlorine, from treated sewage; release of waste and contaminants into surface runoff flowing to surface waters (including urban runoff and agricultural runoff, which may contain chemical fertilizers and pesticides; also including human feces from open defecation – still a major problem in many developing countries); groundwater pollution from waste disposal and leaching into the ground, including from pit latrines and septic tankseutrophication and littering.



1.  To study the cause and effect of pollution at Parsa , chitwan.

2. To find out the problems faced by people living near the polluted site.

3. To find out the mitigation measure of effects of pollution .

4. To find out the effect of pollution on different environment aspect.

5. To aware people living in the surrounding about the effects of pollution to their health and importance of pollution management.


Site selection:

Land pollution located at Parsa chok , Chitwan was selected to prepare report on visit to polluted site.It is one of the polluted site in Parsa.I selected this site due to it easy accessible and my interest to know about that place.It is located 27 37 08 N and 84 34 33 E and 2004 above sea level. It has sub tropical zone with hot and humid  summer and cold winter with average temperature 27 . It has loamy soil.


Data collection:

Primary method:

Following primary method of data collection were used:

A. Field visit:The polluted area was visited to observe the condition of land and its surrounding,I visited land  polluted site of Khairahani municipality due to easy availability and low cost for visiting.The main source of  income of the people living here in this municipality is commercial farming ans remittance.

B. Interview:Sets of questions were asked to local people( Rama Lama) about cause of pollution, its impact on their health and daily operation, their role in creation of pollution and their mitigation.

Secondary method:

Different report,news and journal on land pollution in Parsa , Chitwan  was studied.



Land pollution is one of the major pollution in every part of our country including Chitwan. I have visited land polluted site at Parsa, chitwan. From my study I collected following information on cause of pollution:

A. The major source of land pollution was garbage from household. Due lack of proper disposal management by local government people are obligate to throw garbage on open land.

B. Industry waste, furniture waste and waste from local shop has also cause land pollution.

C. Due to lack of awareness people throw all the waste on open land without any categorization of waste.

Above studied cause of land pollution in the site can be reduced by following remedial measures:

A. Adequate management provision of household waste, industrial waste, and other waste should be done by responsible authorised local government.

B. Awareness program on categorization of waste into degradable and non degradable waste should be carried on .

C. Proper policy and laws like paying fines should be implemented.

D. Degradable waste should be incorporated for fertility improvement of soil.



Thus, in this way I visited a local polluted area(land pollution) ,observed its condition and find outs its mitigation measure.Land is one of the integral part of the environment,but increasing population,urbanisation , industrial development has cause it deterioration. Land pollution is one of the serious problem of our environment. Land pollution destroy the beauty of the place,invites many health problems like diarrhoea, cholera, dysentery  to serious problem like skin cancer, respiratory problem.The toxic chemicals can reach our body through food and vegetables grow in polluted soil.Land pollution not only affect the human but it also affect animals and plants.


In order to reduce the effect of land pollution different mitigations measures should implemented.Proper management of garbage, reuse and recycle of recyclable waste,laws and policy made by government should be followed by people. People themselves are the causes of the land pollution so steps on land pollution mitigation should be started from each person .