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¡°(You)th Stop the Spread! Campaign.

by Kushal Naharki | 01-04-2020 12:41

I was selected among 22 global changemaker for my contributions to the field of agriculture and environment as YouthLead Ambassador. We have brought a new campaign ¡°(You)th Stop the Spread! Campaign." to unite youths to help to stop the spread the pandemics of Corona Virus.

In light of the recent coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and the global efforts to contain it, it is vital that all of us do our part to help stop the spread of the virus.  "We invite all members and ambassadors to join us in the fight against COVID-19 in their communities through this special ¡°(You)th Stop the Spread! Campaign."

Young people must take the lead! Our family, communities, and future depend on it. Young or old, we all will all feel the impact of this epidemic. Studies have shown that even if you are young, feel healthy, or experience only mild symptoms, you can still spread the virus to others who are more vulnerable and can become seriously ill because of their age or underlying health issues. The exponential spread has paralyzed the global economy and education systems. We all need to work together to stop the spread as soon as possible. You can also learn more about COVID19 and how you can make a difference on the 
YouthLead COVID-19 Info Page. 
Call to Action: The (You)th Stop the Spread! Campaign

We are asking you to take action by sharing the message that we all can and should stop the spread of the coronavirus by washing our hands, maintaining social distancing, and verifying information we receive. Join us in the fight!

Join the fight against the spread of COVID-19 by promoting key messages on handwashing, social distancing, and fighting misinformation. Some ways you can participate:

Submit a photo of you holding a sign with campaign messaging,

Hosting a small virtual (online) event (music concert, dance party, poetry reading, etc.) for your networks and communities informing them how to stop the spread

Sharing a short video of how you are stopping the spread, or

Contribute your own idea of how to participate in the campaign or let us know what actions you are already taking!

All appropriate photos, videos, and event information that YouthLead receives from Changemakers will be published on the YouthLead platform, and shared on our social media platforms, Facebook and Twitter. Please share your submissions to the YouthLead Covid-19 Call to Action Google Form 

or simply tweet at us or tag us on social media on @YouthLeadGlobal @YPLearning  #StoptheSpread

We are looking for as much content as possible from .we will begin highlighting & sharing your submissions with our YouthLead partners and wider youth network.

Call to Action Messages


#StoptheSpread: #WashYourHands!

Be a hero! #WashYourHands!

How do you #StoptheSpread of COVID-19? #Washyourhands!

It takes just 20 seconds to join the fight against COVID-19. #Washyourhands! #StoptheSpread

Regular handwashing save lives. #StoptheSpread!

Soap and water save lives! #WashYourHands!

#WashYourHands if you love your family! #StoptheSpread

Social Distancing

Distant but not alone in the fight against COVID-19! Practice #socialdistancing. #StoptheSpread

Alone together: Practice social distancing and join the fight against COVID-19! #StoptheSpread

Protect yourself and your community: practice #socialdistancing to fight COVID-19! #StoptheSpread

I¡¯m practicing #socialdistancing to protect my community and fight COVID-19! #StoptheSpread

Distance makes the heart grow fonder and helps #StoptheSpread of COVID-19!

My social bubble is 6ft wide! #StoptheSpread

Let¡¯s test our relationship! Meet me online. #StoptheSpread

Let me love you from a distance. #StoptheSpread

Show me how much you love me. Respect my #socialdistancing. #StoptheSpread

Friendships last a lifetime, especially if we practice #socialdistancing. #StoptheSpread

I will do anything to protect my grandmother, even practice #socialdistancing. #StoptheSpread


To Fight COVID-19, I listen to the experts and follow the WHO Guidelines #StoptheSpread

Find out what you can do by checking with the WHO. Fight COVID-19. #StoptheSpread

The truth is out there!  Find it at #StoptheSpread

COVID-19 affects us all, but especially the most vulnerable. Spread education, not misinformation. #StoptheSpread

If you can¡¯t verify, you must deny.  Misinformation spreads as rapidly as COVID-19. #StoptheSpread