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Afforestation :Need of today's date

by Jasmine Karki | 31-03-2020 12:18

Simply, Afforestation is an act of planting trees on barren land devoid of any trees with the aim to create forest over there.While talking about afforestation , you may get confuse with the term reforestation as they both sound very similar. But , let me tell you these two words have quite different meanings..Reforestation is the process of specifically planting native trees into a forest which has been tremendously losing its trees in a great number.Thus, you can analyze that reforestation is an act of increasing number of trees of an existing forests while, afforestation is an act of creating new forest over a barren land..

Looking at the past few decades, deforestation has come into practice and our earth has been coping with various problems like global warming, green house effect, climate change, etc...Industrial revolution and population burst has been observed as the major cause of it..With the increasing population, increases the demand for food, clothes and shelter. Consequently,large forest land has been converted into agricultural and residential areas.Just to fulfill the the current demand and need , such an uncivilized activities have come into practice without knowing and realizing its long term effect to the environment. In this condition, the best option we can choose to heal our earth is afforestation and stop the over exploitation of nature..

At today's date and scenario, afforestation holds an immense importance .Afforestation checks the environmental balance by renewing all those resources that man has been exploiting indiscriminately. It checks global warming and maintains the temperature of the earth. It really fights against the climate change and the untimely fluctuations observed in the climate.Green hose gases produced from industries can be brought to an end with the help of afforestation. Likewise, it also plays a crucial role to fulfill man's daily requirements..The woods and logs needed for construction comes from the forest and most importantly,oxygen without which we can not even imagine our life for even a few seconds is produced by the trees..

Likewise, afforestation helps to maintain bio-diversity providing the habitats for wildlife.The natural disasters like soil erosion, landslide and flood though is beyond our control but somehow can be controlled with the help of afforestation.It prevents the land from desertification and checks its fertility.

We humans have become literate and civilized but still showing uncivilized actions exploiting the natural resources haphazardly and harming our home ,earth. Thus , its time to act wisely and perform afforestation, fight against global warming and climate change and heal the earth. For this action, each and every individuals around the world should put their step forward , act responsibly and pressurize the concerned authorities to draw their attention towards such a simple but immensely important topic..

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