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by Sameer Singh | 30-03-2020 16:29

The DPSIR framework has been more widely adopted by the EEA (European Environment Agency) acting as an integrated approach for reporting, e.g. in the EEAs State of the Environment Reports. The DPSIR framework focuses on what has gone wrong with the environment and how to fix it. The DPSIR framework is an extension of the Pressure-State-Response (PSR) model, developed by Anthony Friend in the 1970s, and subsequently adopted by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's (OECD) State of the Environment group.

The DPSIR framework (Driving Forces-Pressure-State-Impact-Responses) is used to assess and manage environmental problems. Driving forces are the socioeconomic and socio-cultural forces driving human activities, which increase or mitigate pressure on the environment. Pressures are the stresses that human activities place on the environment. State or state of the environment, is the condition of the environment. Impacts are the effects of environmental degradation. Responses refers to the response by society to the environmental situation. 

According to the DPSIR framework there is a chain of causal links starting with driving forces (economic sectors, human activities) through pressures (emissions, waste) to states¡¯ (physical, chemical and biological) and impacts on ecosystems, human health and functions, eventually leading to political responses (prioritization, target setting, indicators). Describing the causal chain from driving forces to impacts and responses is a complex task, and tends to be broken down into sub-tasks, e.g. by considering the pressure-state relationship. It answers five questions in sequence as listed below.

What is happening to the environment and why (state and pressure)?
What is the consequence for the environment and humanity (impact)?
What is being done about it and how effective is it (response)?
What could be alternative futures of environmentally sustainable (or unsustainable) development (scenarios)?
What alternative action could be taken (options for action)?

I have chosen to focus mainly on air pollution around Thakurapur vicinity. Shrestra brick industries at the southern region produce lots of pollutants that causes air pollution of that area and have affected the ecosystem of that area. I have studied about the cause of pollution (Drivers), its current state, cause behind it, its impact and response to overcome the pollution.
To know about the present situation of the polluted site and the cause behind it.
To know about the impacts of the changed state on the environment itself and humanity.
To know about the response of society as a result of changing state of the environment.

Desk study: We have studied different reports prepared by our seniors and discussed with many personnel and visited internet sites.
Site selection: Being easily accessible and in order to save time and money i have selected Thakurapur vicinity (Kapilvastu)to relate DPSIR framework with existing environmental problem.
Morphometry of site: Thakurapur vicinity is situated at
6 km south of Mahendra highway.
35 km west of lumbini, the birthplace of Buddha
Latitude & longitude :27¡Æ38'4.78" & 82¡Æ59'18.75"

Climate and Soil: Thakurapur has warm humid climate, situated 106 m above sea level. It has sub-tropical  climate with loamy soil and temperature ranges from 21 0 to 400    source:[ and]

Methods of data collection: To obtain necessary data, following two methods were adopted.
Primary source
I visited the Shrestha brick factory of  Thakurapur vicinity and observed the surrounding to know the others factor  creating pollution.
Secondary resource
Internet sites and different reports were reviewed.

Brick industry

The polluted site has been studied and the information was analyzed in the form of DPSIR framework. The components of DPSIR framework are defined in the following. 

DRIVERS: They are sometimes referred to as indirect or underlying drivers or driving forces and refer to fundamental processes in society, which drive activities having a direct impact on the environment. The driving force are given below: 
- Population (individual person) 
- Transport (road, vehicles)
- Industry (Shrestha brick factory)
- Agriculture (fertilizer, pesticides)
- Sewage systems (household garbage)
- Non-industrial sectors (house, farm)
PRESSURES: Driving forces lead to human activities such as transportation or food production, i.e. result in meeting a need. These human activities exert 'pressures' on the environment, as a result of production or consumption processes.
- Use of resources
- Emissions of dust and smoke
- Production of waste
- Heat radiation

STATE: As a result of pressures, the state of the environment is affected; that is, the quality of the air, water and soil. The state of the environment is thus the combination of the physical, chemical and biological conditions.
Air quality (degrading due to smoke and dust), water pollution and soil fertility degraded.
Ecosystem (local vegetation are affected due to polluted air)
IMPACTS: The changes in the physical, chemical or biological state of the environment determine the quality of ecosystems and the welfare of human beings. In other words changes in the state may have environmental or economic impacts on the functioning of ecosystems, their life supporting abilities, and ultimately on human health and on the economic and social performance of society.
Various respiratory diseases
Reduce visibility due to presence of dust particle in the air

RESPONSES: A response by society or policy makers is the result of an undesired impact and can affect any part of the chain between driving forces and impacts. An example of a response related to driving forces is a policy to change mode of transportation, e.g from private (cars) to public (E-rickshaw) and policy to make at least 50m height of chimney, while an example of a response related to pressures is a regulation concerning permissible SO2 levels in fuel gases.

            While reviewing in short, any environmental problems can be linked or related in the form DPSIR. The project has been accomplished through site visit, desk study and internet. The drivers or causes for such air pollution, its components, impacts on us and measures to overcome are studied and analyzed. In this way, air pollution in Thakurapur vicinity was linked up in the form of DPSIR and the main recommendations or measures to overcome such pollutions are described below in heading recommendation.
Some of the measures to overcome air pollution in my locality are as follows:
► Proper management of household waste materials.
► The  industrial by-product should be refined before allowed to the environment. 
► Settling down of industrial pollutant with the use of dissolver.
► The chimney height should be greater than 50m.
► Avoiding further establishment of industries in residential area.
► Use of electric vehicles instead of gasoline vehicles.
► Implement effective measures to reduce greenhouse gas emission.     
► Create awareness regarding its consequences and adverse effect on environment and human 
► Establish strict rules and regulation to control pollution. 
► Plantation of dust absorbing plants in roadside and industrial area.