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Environment Protection: Duty of each of us!

by Sonika Pariyar | 26-03-2020 22:45

Environment protection is the practice of protecting the natural environment by individuals, organizations and governments. Its objectives are to conserve natural resources and the existing natural environment and where possible, to repair damage and reverse trends.


Different organization like WWF,UNEP,EDF,IUCN,Greenpeace,AFED,Birdlife INTERNATIONAL,EEB,EEG etc.has been working for environment protection.There are different governmental act made by government of every country for environment protection.


Government and different organization have been working for the protection of the environment. Important topics is what we are doing for the protection of environment???Do we  remember environment protection while we  perform our daily activities???Do we ever think consequences of our activities in future generation ??The answer of these question should be realised by every human.Human should always think of environment protection.We can contribute to environment protection by modifying our day to day habit. In order to secure a quality life, we  to protect the environment for the future generation and for the existence of the other species. Therefore, human beings have a moral and ethical responsibility to protect the environment for our survival and for the survival of other species .Some of the  habit that we can adopt for environment protection from our side are listed below:


1. Impede deforestation and assist afforestation.

2. Lessen the use of plastic bags instead use jute bags,reusable bags, cotton bags, green bag.

3. Reduces the use of agrochemicals in agricultural field.

4. The household wastages like kitchen wastage should be utilized for preparation

 of compost.

5. Lets try to generate less non- degradable wastes like paper , plastic .The generated non- degradable wastes should be properly disposed into municipality bus.

6 .Follow the  reduce, reuse ,recycle principal as much as possible.

7.Prevent and control the degradation of land ,water, vegetation and air.

8. Use ecofriendly resources.

9.Share the ideas ,thought with each other in society about environment protection and unite together for the protection of environment.

Thus, we should protect our environment as much as we can!!!