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Climate Change Denial and its implications

by Divyansha Aggrwal | 03-09-2023 09:04

In recent years, the issue of climate change has taken center stage in global discussions. Despite an extensive body of evidence and research confirming its existence, an alarming number of individuals still appear apathetic to the impending threats it poses. From devastating hurricanes to the alarming specter of food insecurity, climate change has evolved from a distant threat to a harsh reality that deeply disrupts humanity.

One of the prevailing misconceptions surrounding climate change is the belief that it is a challenge relegated to the distant future, something that can be deferred or handed off to future generations. When people engage in conversations about climate change, the prevalent narrative often revolves around its implications for the future.

Climate change is not a looming threat; it has already begun to pack numerous adverse impacts on our global society. Regrettably, its consequences are far from distributed equitably. Shockingly, the 3.8 billion wealthiest individuals on Earth are responsible for over 86% of climate change, while the 3.7 billion poorest contribute only 14%. This glaring inequality means that those who bear the least responsibility for climate change are disproportionately suffering from its catastrophic consequences.

Consider the plight of Bangladesh, where almost three-quarters of the country is submerged due to rising sea levels, or the distressing situation in Nigeria, where acute food insecurity is exacerbated by erratic weather patterns. Furthermore, India has witnessed the tragic loss of thousands of lives to relentless heatwaves. Climate change denial not only exacerbates these challenges but also provides an excuse for developed countries to avoid reducing their greenhouse gas emissions or providing support to developing nations in their battle against climate change. This turns climate change denial into a matter of global significance with moral and political implications.

Former President Barack Obama eloquently conveyed at the U.N. Climate Change Summit, "We are the first generation to feel the impact of climate change and the last generation that can do something about it." The tipping point is imminent, and time is of the essence. We must take immediate action at every level and explore every possible avenue to address this crisis in a practical and sustainable manner.

Now, more than ever, nations must lead the charge in mitigating climate change; furthermore, developed countries must strive to hold their promises true and support developing nations conduct climate action.

It is imperative to acknowledge that climate change is not an abstract concept but an undeniable reality.

It is our responsibility to act decisively and safeguard the well-being of our planet for current and future generations.

Reference list:

Hossain, B., Sohel, Md.S. and Ryakitimbo, C.M. (2020). Climate change induced extreme flood disaster in Bangladesh: Implications on people¡¯s livelihoods in the Char Village and their coping mechanisms. Progress in Disaster Science, [online] 6, p.100079. doi:

Oderinde, F.O., Akano, O.I., Adesina, F.A. and Omotayo, A.O. (2022). Trends in climate, socioeconomic indices and food security in Nigeria: Current realities and challenges ahead. Frontiersin, 6. doi:

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