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The Fight for Environmental Sustainability Goes to the States

by Walter Bodell | 10-03-2020 09:29

In the fight against climate change, states are taking the lead in improving policy guidelines. This has included making large commitments to renewable energy and green policies. Each region of the US is feeling the pressure to find ways to combat climate change and help reduce vulnerabilities to the shifting weather and changing climates.   

On East Coast 

Concerns over rising waters have had a unique influence on the East Coast. To help reduce the impact of climate change, this region has been promoting exciting policies to aid in this fight. With the passage of the Clean Energy Jobs Act, the state of Maryland committed to increasing its purchase of products and services from the clean energy sector, with the lofty goal of a 50% increase to the state's renewable portfolio standard by 2030. The State of Maine continued this course by passing three bipartisan clean energy bills to usher in incentive programs for improving energy policies and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Throughout the East Coast, similar policies and plans can be found to help in the fight against the growing threat of climate change.   

Down in the South 

With storms of increased intensity over the past few years, climate change has drastically affected the Southern region of the US. As a stand-alone region, the Southern Environmental Law Center has deemed that the area alone would be the seventh-largest carbon emitter globally. This has created a growing effort to help with the fight against climate change. Cities throughout the region are starting to commit to going 100% clean energy. Oil wealthy states, like Texas, are also moving towards renewable energy. The state has seen a growing amount of commitment to wind energy in the western part of the state. With improving Texas solar policies, it has found a place as one of the top ten solar states in the country.    

Over the Mid-West 

In the Midwest, a variety of steps have been taken to help fight climate change. In Missouri, the governor formed two agencies, the Climate Change Subcabinet and Governor¡¯s Advisory Council on Climate Change, to coordinate efforts to meet emission reduction goals. In Illinois, the Future Energy Jobs Act created new energy efficiency standards, including investments in weatherizing buildings. This has created more than 7,000 new jobs, reduced pollution and generated multiple billions in energy savings. These landmark acts are showing what the future of clean energy legislation could provide if enacted nationwide. These are just some of the creative legislative policies to establish infrastructure to tackle the challenges of climate change at the state level.    

And Throughout the West 

It will come as no surprise that the west is a leading force in climate change policies. States like California have been ravaged by deadly wildfires, power outages and droughts, leading to the introduction of legislation to help mitigate these risks. This includes introducing building codes to improve household efficiency and installing solar panels for low-rise buildings and single-family homes. Individual cities are starting to push for all-electric buildings, helping to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and other environmentally damaging energy resources. The state of Nevada has made climate change priority by signing the U.S. Climate Alliance and utilizing policies to reduce emissions and creating market-based mechanisms. These are just some of the exciting climate-friendly policies that are being created around the region to help combat climate change.    

While many steps still need to be taken to help fight climate change, states around the country are leading the charge. Whether through changing policy standards or incentivizing green policies at the government level, states are creating a pathway to lower carbon emissions and better ecological policies.