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¡°Cleaning up Santo Tomas river shore¡± [Free Report]

by Alan Portocarrero | 09-03-2020 23:36

Name of the activity: ¡°Cleaning up Santo Tomas river shore¡±.

Time executed 1 h

Introduction to the problem

According to statistic the Amazon region generate 20% of the world¡¯s oxygen and also it is a fact that covers one-fifth of the fresh water supply worldwide. Nonetheless, nowadays vast of rivers are being affected due to water pollution. Of course, this is alarming not only for the locals who suffers from the consequences, also for the world. The causes? Based on El Pais newspaper, most of the Amazonian population, located in urban areas and also groups of indigenous communities, throw down wastes in the river, the gardens or just put them next to a tree. Likewise, the government of the region does not execute environmental solve-projects. For instance, Nauta a small town near Iquitos and next to the Amazon river formation prong, count on with a number of 25 public trash bins to supply 30000 inhabitants, this is out of mind in my opinion!. So, observing this big deal, as an eco-ambassador, I planned a green event call ¡°Cleaning up Santo Tomas river shore¡±.


The goal of this project is to rise environmental awareness. Likewise, to sanitary the maximum we can, the shore river. Notwithstanding, it also was thought, to add the project other places such as a square and the river shore's opening street.


Human: Alan Portocarrero; Angel Portocarreo; Julio Mendoza; Emely Chapiama; Rosa Espinoza and Carlos Fernandez; Jhanet Payma and Joseph Flores.

Economical Resources: 40 soles

Material resources: 6 ripped shorts, paints, recycling paper, blue and a sew-machine

Sanitary resources: gloves, mouth mask and waste bag.

Social media: Facebook

Previous days of the event:

Ana Frank said one day ¡°In spite of everything, I still believe people are good at heart¡± and certainly so do I. In this fashion, I posted an invitation on Facebook. So I hoped, doubtless some green hearts to appear in my activity.

On the other hand, so that the event to be more appealing I decided to make up a banner of recycled material.

What were the steps?

1: I recollected some clothes, such as ripped shorts and jeans.

2: Then I cut them, taking the form of a square fabric.

3. Third, I tried the clothes were attached at just one big cloth. ( I sewed the clothes very carefully, because I am not good at it)

4. Finally, on the cloth banner I wrote out ¡° Deja una huella verde, no una de destrucción¡±  its English  variant would be ¡°Leave a green footprint, not one of  destruction¡±. Likewise, I put down on it some artistic work-I have tried to give my best shot btw-

 The following picture depicts the banner:


The day of the event.

The action was expected to begin at 4 pm. One hour before, I first went own myself to the meeting area, which previously we stated it would be in a square called Santo Tomas. I was verifying all the equipment required to execute the plan. These were gloves, mouth masks and waste bag.

Once all the green volunteers got to the place, I introduced myself to them just giving them a brief information about who I am, why this event and all the plans to be followed. Running on the activity, I gave away to each one a pair of gloves and a mouth mask to prevent any infection disease. The same way, I let them count on waste bag to start taking the maximum plastic we could find down around the ground.

At the end of the program, 5 pm, we ended filling in more than 15 waste bags. 

Pictures taken:




¡¤         Participation of the locals. In this way, the environmental awareness was promoted.

¡¤         We succeeded in filling in more than 15 bags with full of waste, recollected from the river shore and the square ground.


Leading this event has been meaningfully for me. As always happens to all project, there are limitations and strengths.  In case of mine, there was just one big weakness: it was expected to count on the participation of fifteen helpers, howbeit, just appeared seven. In spite of this problem, the pursuit did not leave a bad taste on my mouth because it shone enough. On the other hand, the major strength was that the expectative of filling in just 15 bags was exceeded, due to, there were like 17. To my mind, this green initiative says a lot. The outcome was not just cleaning and promote green awareness, it was also a demonstration that young people have enough power to execute projects in benefits to the society. Likewise, to show that we don¡¯t desire to inherit a destroyed future, and as an illustration of protest was my activity. Due to politicians only are talks and we want facts, Greta said: "You can't just sit around waiting for hope to come" because "Our House is on Fire" and we need to act right here and right now.


El Pais.(2018). La mala costumbre de ensuciar las amazonas. Retrieved  from

Goodreads.(2020).Quotable quote. Retrieved from