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(Thematic Report) People who have endeavored to better the environment Part- 2

by Kushal Naharki | 06-03-2020 23:15

In my previous report, I just mentioned the name of my campaigns along with other activities I had performed, in this report, I will be writing a detailed report about each campaign so that it will be helpful for other members and ambassadors to initiate theirs and will be an inspiration for many of them.

Small Act Great Impact

This is initiated as online environment awareness campaign with the purpose to aware people about how our small act can cause great impact in the society and environment. This campaign focused on both how our small act are deteriorating the environment and how our small act can create a great impact to save our environment.

During this campaign , I collected all the creativity of the people like their articles, stories, poems, pictures or any other of their creativity which shows how small act can cause great impact and shared them via Social Media using Facebook and Tunza EcoGeneration Website.

This this campaign to the local level, I have also conducted to the awareness campaign to the different groups about the small act, great impact with the recent program being held at women¡¯s group of Kamalbari Tanahun


Sustainable Environment Campaign

Tunza Eco-Generation Regional Ambassador I conducted Sustainable Environment Campaign: Awaring children for conscious family and responsible nation at different schools of Tanahun district. This campaign was completed with various events conducted at school to the students as:

¡¤         Eco Quiz

¡¤         Awareness Presentation

¡¤         Eco Motivation

¡¤         Eco Voices of Children

¡¤         Eco Club Formation 


The Waste Pocket

Have you ever thrown the chocolate wrappers on street after eating chocolates? Have you ever thrown wastes from vehicles while traveling?

If you can¡¯t clean up after yourself. There¡¯s no need for you to mess things up and expect another person to clean up behind you. You have a responsibility to keep your homes, surroundings and city clean. Little things may do wonders. If everyone starts thinking that one wrapper does not make a difference, the whole world will become a garbage bin. Let¡¯s learn to keep the wrappers and wastes in our pockets until we find a dustbin. ¡°Keep it in, till you find a Bin¡±. While it may seem small, the ripple effects of small things is extraordinary. If all of us start doing it, we will at least eliminate the smaller problem. You don¡¯t have to clean it up, if you don¡¯t make it dirty.

This campaign was initiated with the purpose of clean city and responsible citizen


New Year New Commitment

People celebrate every New Year with great enthusiasm, celebration and fun. We make new plans, analyze our last year works and hope to live a successful year. New Year is not only a beginning of a brand new year, it is also a beginning of a new believes, new hopes, new duties and new responsibilities; altogether it is a beginning of new beginnings. Every new year we make commitments to lose the withdraws within ourselves and bring changes within our self. People feel that with the beginning of new year, they can leave their bad habits, faults or mistakes they are making and build a better version of themselves.  Students make commitment to bring better grades, officials make commitment to do their job more efficiently and grab a promotion, couples make commitment to increase love and affection towards each other and so on.Every year world is moving forward with developments and new technologies. With the development of facilities, technologies; environmental issues are also developing. Climate change, green house effect, global warming, deforestation, pollution are posing huge threat to environment from local to global level. With the world facing the huge environment challenges, we need make new commitments this year to fight against these challenges and protect our earth, else we will have a no new generation to celebrate new year in future if these challenges go on increasing.
This campaign was initiated with the purpose to make new commitments in new year to act for the environment from the local level together.


Gift A Tree, This Birthday

With the world already facing the huge effects of climate change, global warming, green house effect, ozone layer depletion, these are sure to cause great threats to humans and living beings in near future. The best solution we can have to minimize this impact is to increase in the trees and forest but due to rapid increase in rate of population growth, industrialization, urbanization; rate of deforestation has increased and decreased the number of trees. The conversion of forest area into human settlement area, industrial area and agricultural land has reduced the large number of trees. We need to act now and act together to protect our home Earth. Although, many initiatives have been started, they haven¡¯t been able to reach the local level. Planting a tree in their own birthday has already been a trend. But are people planting trees on their birthday? Not really!! Only few environment activist are found following this trend.

We gift beautiful presents to our beloved friends, families and relatives on their birthday. Now, instead of gifting them fancy gifts and presents, lets plant a tree for them and gift them a ¡°Tree¡± as their birthday gift. Let the birthday of our beloved person be the birthday of a new plant too. With trees we will be protecting our earth and habitat of many birds and animals. Lets start a initiative from our local level to fight against these global threats to protect the planet for us and future generation. Let¡¯s decorate our home Earth with trees and greenery instead of decorating our rooms with fancy gifts.


School MUN Campaign

This campaign was conducted to the various schools of Lamjung with awareness to the children about the Model United Nations, Its procedure and how students can develop the critical thinking about environment with the debate, diplomacy, negotiation on the global issues of concern and sustainable Development Goals.


Go For Green Campaign

This campaign was initiated to build a clean and green planet with the awareness of children and youth on the theme ¡°Awaring Children and Youth for Sustainable Environment¡± with the activities like Afforestation, Speech Competition, Awareness about the ways to go green, presentations and Eco Motivation. This campaign was launched at Amar Jyoti Higher Secondary School.

campaign photo

"My Waste My Responsibility"

 What do you do to the waste you produce?

Don't you think its our responsibility to manage the waste we produce?

I feel that its my responsibility to manage the waste that i produce. Not all waste are indeed waste. Some waste may turnout to be useful if we use them wisely. The environment will be much cleaner if we manage the waste we produce. So, I have launched a new campaign

During this campaign, we will take the responsibility to manage the waste we produce rather creating a pollution out of it. I will also be sharing the ways to manage the waste on social media, my community, school and among my friend circle. There are many ways we can manage our waste and keep our environment clean.


At first, we need to identify the waste we produce, whether they are decomposable or non decomposable. We must try to reuse and recycle the non decomposable waste like plastic bottles, wrappers, etc. There are many ways to recycle these non decomposable waste. There are even organization which collect these waste and turn them into new useful things. Be sure to classify the waste when you throw it too. Municipality or waste collector have classified the waste collected into Recycleable and non recyclable so that they can be managed according to their properties. So, we must be able to classify our waste before we manage or dispose them.


The decomposable waste can be turned into compost. There aren't waste but nutrients for soil. Thus prepared compost from waste enriches the quality of soil and good for agricultural practices and we can use them in our home garden.


We mustn't throw the waste where ever we like. We must " Keep It In, Till We Find A Bin". 

We must follow the principle of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

Waste must be classifed and disposed according to their proprties.

Our small acts of managing the waste we produce and proper disposal of waste we create a better and cleaner planet we desire to live in. Together we can bring a change.

"My waste is my responsibility". Isn't yours?

campaign photo


Eco Fact Series

This was a awareness campaign to make people aware sharzing the amazing, interesting and unknown facts about the environment which will make people more active and encouraged towards eco activities and environment protection.


Eco Workshop

This will be a workshop for the enthusiastic young participants to enhance their knowledge and skill about the Environment. This program will be conducted as a Tunza EcoGeneration Ambassador Sponsorship Program.