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I won't be speechless and silence anymore. My own story.

by Diana Gamazova | 07-03-2020 01:06

So I told you in my last report that I am going to talk today about Pocahontas - Disney classic. It's one of my favorite cartoons and not only because it's charming and was made up in a true story, but because sometimes I feel on the same spot as the main heroine.
Because sometimes there is a gap and difference between generations or how people think. For example: 
Last year I was in Egypt and it was a Hotel, so of course there is an animation team there. So in one day they were preparing a party with foam and balloons, and I met one guy from animation team and asked him: "Where you going to make it?". He told me that it will be on a beach in the corner of water and the sand. And I was in a total shock, because it will provide horrible consequences, moreover it was a natural reserve, because few meters away from where this event was going to be celebrated was a huge and the most beautiful coral reef. And I was panicking, because I cant let this happen. So I thought: " I won't be speechless and silence, and I will protect this unique place and I will not let this people damage what not belong to them. So I asked if there is another place to celebrate, they told me that this is a perfect place and all people will enjoy party in a beach. This misunderstanding and two different ways of thinking met each other in Pocahontas, as herself and Governor Ratcliffe. She was so respectful and caring to nature and Governor was thinking that he owns whatever land he lands on. I hope you know the lyrics 
" You think I am an ignorant savage
And you've been so many places I guess it must be so, 
But still I can not see 
If the savage one is me
How can there be so much that you don't know"
This is the main idea of this report, this animation team was looking at me with greens and teasing me because they didn't know what all my struggling was for. I am not offensive person at all, but it was like I am ignorant savage here and I don't know nothing. I know that they gave me a nickname, sorry I can't remember what, but still after my two days of full of concern and awareness speeches, I won. But they still celebrated in a beach, but in a corner, away from it. However I told them that if tomorrow I will find any peace of balloons or packs from crisps, I will collect it ( I forgot to tell you about my hobby to collect garbage from beaches every morning in my vacation there) so we had a deal. I am doing it always, like it's my "duty" from nature in vacation. So, I think you know what happened next morning, beach was full of packs and balloons. So I collect like three full pockets of garbage and placed them near Animation team house. Their reaction was nothing but short "Thanks". I was in a happiness and pain in the same time. Happiness that I won this small battle, but in pain that they didn't learn anything from it, because next week they maid the same thing. One of a member of this team asked me: " If there are so many garbage in a sand, how it can get in to the sea? "
I told him: " in the same way as the garbage in Cambodja 30 km away from ocean can get there, by a human factor, huge amount of conditions, animals, wind, waves, steams and etc." He was in a deep thoughts for a while and then just laugh and told: " It's impossible, we are not a fishermans to put this garbage in to the stomachs of fish and this land is belong to a hotel an it was idea of our director, so you can't do anything with that" After smile again and start explaining that this is not a damage, it happens only once a week and other things which in my opinion was useless and really pointless, he was explaining to me as I was some child 5 years old, without any concern in that topic.That time I knew I am an ignorant savage to him. After his speech I asked him, how can there be so much that you don't know? And how you can be so blind?. I know it wasn't much polite, but I was furious, and I am really regretting that I didn't write a report, my suggestions and complains about those kind of events.
So if I compare my story to a Pocahontas, in some way its the same. Misunderstanding, two absolutely different ways of thinking.
And for 100% I am sure that he never heard how the wolf crise to the blue corn moon and never asked bobcat why he greened and he will never sing with all the voices of the mountains and will never learn how to paint with all the colours of the wind. Because how I already said earlier that, some people are blind and we cant open their eyes.
I am not blaming them, because this is the gap of our generation, when in their time there wasn't any idea of Global warming and many environment ideas. And also there wasn't internet and globalisation of those ideas wasn't so huge, so we are lucky to live in time when there are all opportunities to know about all what's happening in our Earth.