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Woman and green economy [free topic]

by Giulia Tavares Madeira Pinto | 07-03-2020 09:03

Hey everyone!
It's Giulia from Brazil and in this monthly free topic, I will talk about the green economy and the women that do that in their lives. Let's know a lit bit of it?

According with the UNEP definition, green economy is based in low carbon emission, resource efficient and also socially inclusive. It is focused in a public and private investment that can improve the employement and also reduce the emission of carbon and pollution, but don't forgetting about the preservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services.

This month, in march 8, we celebrate the Internacional Woman Day. In honor of all amazing and inspirational women we know, I have separated a few ones that have active actions in green economy and help with the preservation of the planet.

Berenice Dapaah: founder of Ghana Bamboo Bikes, a group formed of girls and young woman in Ghana where they produce bikes made by bamboo, which are planted by people of the region. This a good example of how the green economy can be leaderded by woman and can be helpful in their localities.
Jordana Mendonça - EcomAmor Institute: a project (NGO),  idealized by a brazilian women that defends the right of everyone have acess of healthy and and culturally foods. Through agroecological urban garden (they have already carried out more than 23!), strengthening communities for health promotion, rescue of traditional knowledge and technical training.
Rafaella de Bona- creator of "Projeto Maria", it was created with the focus in the woman that lives in street and don't have acess to absorbents. The project consists in an internal absorbent made of biodegradable material, which facilitates use, ensures hygiene and reduces the impact generated by the waste. This will help the woman and the planet, reducing the negative consequences.

There are so many anothers examples of amazing woman that help the planet with their ideas and can make the world a better place. Hope y'all have been inspired by the examples I have chosen and try to make your own ideas to help the enviroment.

Green cheers from Brazil!