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It's a hard question with simple answer with the most simple example.

by Diana Gamazova | 05-03-2020 20:29

Hi this is your update today, this message will not touch environmental problems, but it will dig in to a Feminists movements and I will answer to that question by their beloved cartoon Mulan - Disney classic, which never meant to be a symbol of madness. 

This cartoon is based on a true story of Hya Mulan, which has the same story as the main character, but without happily ever after, in the end she was judged and executed by a Chinese army captain. But the main idea is not in a true story, because it is not so popular among people, so here we go.

How can you remember, the young girl, 18 years old goes to war instead of her old father, pretending to be a man and in the middle of the cartoon is exposed. Although being exposed she still saves the emperor from the evil Khan Shan Yu. And she studied how to fight and hold a sword, feminists now using it as propaganda that women are equal in the war as a man, the thing that she dressed up as a men, they are using as a symbol of - you can be anything you want (all my thoughts will be presented later) the symbol that she was the one who saved the Emperor, they are using her as idea - women are cleverer, more powerful and the way better than men - ideas of a man hatred. 

Well I absolutely disagree with those statements. Because as a biologist, I can say that there are medical indicators where men are evolutionarily superior to us in physical strength, about the second statement I can say that - I am supporting idea to be a natural and who you are, to not wear the mask and to show your own face and to not pretend to be perfect. But I am ABSOLUTELY AGAINST THE GENDER CHANGE (sex change). Because this is against nature, against her law and everything in this world. She did NOT do it because she felt like she wants to be a man, but to save her father.

 In this movie was a song: 

Look at me, 

I will never pass for a perfect bride 

or a perfect daughter

Now I see if I will truly to be myself

I will break my familys heart

Who is that girl I see, 

Staring straight, back at me

When will my reflection show, 

Who I am inside. 

And the circumstances show, who is she inside - a warrior. But not a man, because women can be a warrior too, but they do not need to pretend being someone else, so this is gossip and prejudice which is going crazy day by day. Of course, there still are countries and communities in the world where a woman does not have the right to vote, the right of freedom, and even the right to drive a car, and I think this is not correct, but women and men will never be equal, because there are too many conditions of thinking as people themselves and the basis for building a world today will not fool that, why I think so, I will explain to you now. As you can see there are many differences between woman and man, let's start from the anatomy and health.

Even with spreading ideas of childfree and husband free, the main purpose of a women is the continuation of the generation - the birth of children, as Darwin wrote in his main book. I hope you know which book I meant. So women will never work in mine, because it would damage their health and they will have problems with pregnancy. Or if they are serving in army in some countries, the hard physical work is damaging their health. I am not telling that we are born machines or that we do not have to do anything except sitting at home and doing a household role, but we have to take care of our health and take in to account that someday we will fulfill our main purpose and continue our being here with new generation of earthlings. 

And this law of nature which was described in Darwins evolution theory is affecting in every side of our being. For example: One man and one woman are asking for job, and if they do not have a High School graduation, agency of hiring people will not offer them the same work, I mean for women it will be a haircut master or some simple work in office, but for man it will be a hard physical work as digging in the mine or work in some toxic factory, why is it like that? Again we are appealing it to what I have said before, we have different roles with men -  in creating a family and in a life as a whole thing. And I am sure that the most of all feminists, if you ask them "do you want to do a hardest work in mine or fight in Afghanistan", they will say no. So in theirs' opinion such things make no sense. 

About their points about separate sports, separate prisons and etc. About sport, we can not be judged by one standards, because our physical appearances structure of our internal system, muscles, bones and hormones is completely different and the maximum scores can be completely different.

The world record of the American weightlifter Kyler Wolam, who lifted a barbell weighting 421.5 kilograms and the women one is 397.5 kilograms. This is because of difference in our anatomy and by those differences we are naturally weaker. About the prisons, women prisons are humane and the fact that women claim that they are not equal you try to hinder them if they want the same treatment with you as in men's prisons they will tell no, then what is the meaning of their slogans and statements?

We departed from our topic, so I want to talk about one of the most popular song in Mulan ¡°How could I make a man, out of you¡±

In that song Shan - one of the man character in cartoon (Also the Prince Charming) is trying to make from a simple men warriors. So without knowing he was making men from Mulan - how feminists are describing, but it was not, Mulan was doing it because she did not having purpose to be a men, she was trying to save her family and was searching for her destiny and duty. And he knew how to stand up for himself, he knew his honor and dignity and was ready to defend them, I do not say anything about external signs since in the modern world this would be regarded as discrimination, but the modern generation have long forgotten what honor is. And it is really sad, because many bad things and really crazy ones are happening because of it. 

In the end of a film, Li Shang came to Mulan house and gave her back her helmet, and she asked him if he wanted to eat a dinner, and he said yes. Also in the main fight Li Shang was always protecting Mulan, there are still feelings in that cartoon. So what Feminists saying that there are no love, because women don't need a man for compleet life and happiness, I would say that every living creature in our Earth want to be loved. It¡¯s not in vain that love that highest feeling that nourishes us, is the miracle that nourishes us with energy and only in love do we see the light in our lives. Love lives on inside our hearts and always will Through the darkest of our troubles. Love is beauty, love is pure.Love pays no mind to desolation.It flows like a river through the soul.Protects, perceives, and perseveres.And makes us whole.