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Acid rain: "The unknown Plague" affecting the human kind.

by Elvis Mupere | 06-03-2020 06:13

The acid rain effect is among the most serious environmental challenges in the modern world. It has had major global ecological consequences raising it's concern with the increase in dying plants and forests (cause foliar injury and decrease in the vital nutrients of the soil e.g Nitrogen, Calcium, Potassium e.t.c...), fish kills and damage to the buildings. Acid rain is caused by emission of sulphur dioxide and Nitrogen oxide from coal burning, combustion of fossil fuels from industrial plants, cars, residential combustion, among others; which dissolve in atmospheric water forming acid rain.
"The Unknown Plague": Why called so?
Acid rain has been known to affect the health of human kind either directly or indirectly. However many people don't take it as a serious concern!! In this article I will try to indicate how fatal it can be!!
  • Humans usually depend on plants, aquatic life for food but however once destroyed by acid rain, human kind will suffer from starvation hence leading to nutritional related disorders such as chronic under nutrition which plagues more than 925 million people world wide
Also toxic metals e.g Pb, Zn, Co and Ni are discharged due to acid rain. These heavy metals are absorbed by water, crops or animals that humans consume hence leading to respiratory disorders e.g asthma and bronchitis, cancer and Alzheimer's disease that may cause death.
  • Acid rain also causes eye, nose and throat irritations which are associated with serious complications like tympanic perforations and broncho-aspirations. Though uncommon, they can be fatal!!
How can we reduce the sulphur dioxide and Nitrogen oxide emissions??
  • Coal with low sulphur content must be used in coal dependent electric power plants to reduce atmospheric sulphur concentration.
  • Use of renewable energy such as solar energy and wind power should be encouraged to reduce electric usage.
  • All electric appliances e.g T.V's, radios, ovens, electric power lights e.t.c. should be always switched off when not in use.
Together we can have a green world!
Green Cheers!!
Yours Mupere Elvis Simon (Eco-generation ambassador in Uganda)