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Feminism and my points of view

by Diana Gamazova | 29-02-2020 01:00

This is all me questions which I posten in GIrls Up site, Im shearing her my points of view, so it might be interesting to all of you. 
Is this a feminist organization? because it looks really like it. 
Sorry for stric questions, but I am really need to know about what is it
Why do we need to fight for our rights like this? For example in your  programme about equality in sport, what are you main purpose in this action? We cant compare women and men, nature and evolution built us up for different purposes in this life. Males body is stronger than our, that's why we cant be equal and be judged the same way and by the same standarts. We cant do anything about how the mother nature built us up, and if you stand against it,you will find that its absolutely useless and makes no sense. 
About our role in science, we are equal today, if there is a more noble prizes which was won by a men or similar prizes which most of all was won by a men, then this is not a gender discrimination, it only means that they deserved it more, like their ideas or projects were smarter, I cant see any problems there. 
The question is what is the purpose of your actions for equal rights in science if we already equal, I mean what the purpose?

About the salaries, well  if you subtract from the salary of a man let's say 40 years old, the maternity leave of a woman, the employer's expenses for helping pregnant women, as well as their support, then you will see that the salaries will be equal, then what is the purpose of your actions on the account of the idea in the salary difference?
at the expense of politics, there are actually more men than women in politics, but no one considers women unworthy of a political position or even less intellegent in this regard, this only means that fewer women want to get into politics. For example, Greta Thunberg, she is an influential figure in the political arena and she is a girl, and no one says that she is more stupid or something like that, we have achieved equality, it just depends on the woman herself and whether she wants it or not. And all the arguments about "I will go into politics only because I am a woman" are incompetent in my understanding. Then whats the reason of the political inequality actions in this stream?

About the rapes, of course there are more woman suffered from men than the men from women, but there are more men sitting in prison for it.more men are imprisoned and punished for this, and their conditions are much worse than in women's prisons. In the legislation of all countries, this is severely punished and Yes, I agree this is a terrible thing, but these people will sooner or later be punished for what they did. On account of today, I can tell from the behavior of the girls that most of them are to blame for what happened to them. Girls have become easily accessible, due to the ability to impose all the blame on the man. And the poor men have nothing to do, since everything happened by mutual consent, and in the end, he is accused alone. Where does all the female power go in court, when it is easier for her to say that he raped me, and not I am to blame for what happened, I will let this man go, if we are so strong today, so let's be honest with ourselves and with the world around us. 
My question here is why do we need to fight for rights here, if we already have a law for this?

Of course I'm talking about developed countries, but I'm not going to talk about the Eastern countries where it is not so in another world, that's where I agree, girls need to fight for their rights to education, marriage only for love and 18 years for the right to Express their opinion, to be independent etc , but I don't understand where we are going with feminism right now, we don't fight for our rights we humiliate and destroy men. We don't want to have children, just because men don't do it. The main goal of every person is to have a family and children, and if a man or woman does not think so, then he or she is still not a little boy or girl, because love and family, that's what keeps this world afloat. And love between a man or woman is true, because only after when men and women may receive the following generation, and it is written in the laws of evolution that we can not revoke or deny. 
In nature, there is a law that is unbreakable - every species strives to continue its kind, so we have lost this gift of love and happiness. With man-hating, we lose the intimacy and support of this world, and if this continues and the policy of childfree and hasbandfree continues to grow, I don't know what will become of our world, we will end.

I want to say that women who are fighting for equality do not have a position, if you listen to the modern speeches of girls going to rallies, we will not find a girl who could clearly explain her arguments or give examples from real life, when this inequality manifests itself, I I agree that they are not taken to the mines, I agree that they are not taken to the army, I agree that they do not work at oil stations or nuclear power plants, I understand that they do not work as loaders like men, but if you ask a woman, you will go to the mine or you will each time to risk your life by going into the territory of a nuclear reactor or saving people from burning houses, pulling out 4-5 people on yourself, gasping for gas or accepting the same conditions as in men's prisons? they will say No, but then what does equality have to do with it, and how can women talk about equality if they don¡¯t want to accept the much more severe male working conditions and serving sentences. 
Man and woman change roles, but why? We are wonderful in our roles in life, a man will never be able to do several things at the same time, as women do, and women, in turn, will never become as strong as men. A woman has a role in this world - the keeper of the hearth, the mother, for the man she is a treasure and a princess who needs to be taken care of. And a man for a family and a woman is a protector, a knight, and a source of strength and authority. This is the fundamental structure of our society, to which we have obeyed for centuries, and until everything is in place, we will not end. But we are close to him, as men become more feminine, and women are masculine. 
The main goals in life are lost and forgotten. I can give an example on the other hand - the policy of social economism. Utopia, which is not possible, where everyone is equal, there are no rich and poor, no millionaires and bankrupt. Karl Marx described it in some detail in order to find out that in the place with this theory the American dream is destroyed. People have never been equal and never will be, because there will always be poor and rich, there will always be someone who will be ahead and receive all laurels, also with regard to men and women, we will never be equal, since nature has assigned us different roles in in this world and our spheres of influence, breaking into which we can¡¯t cope and fail in one day, since we have completely different parameters and these parameters are intended only for certain roles, when exchanging roles they do not fit and only destroy everything that we built . 
At the expense of the UN, they really have everything you said and they work. I buy women in Eastern countries, this is a violation of human rights and freedoms, but I don¡¯t understand why there is such craziness in developed countries, where a woman is absolutely free and has the same rights as a man, I understand that in particular cases the rights can be violated, but for There is government and legislation. The responsibility in upholding her rights in this case lies with the woman, since she must claim her rights, I agree with this. At this point, my question creeps in - can you give an example from a developed country where the rights of a woman have really been infringed? And the case when this was done precisely by the male gender? 

It¡¯s just that I still can¡¯t understand the reason for all of us, I understand the women of the last century, indeed, we were nobody and just a decoration, but now what is the problem of modern women, the specifics are not in the movement of women, there is only a vague idea of themselves and high expectations? I¡¯ve been trying to figure it out for many years, but so far I haven¡¯t come across a single example or a clear position,
Thanks for your answers, I will be very glad if you answer this