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Parasite movie message with respect to present consumerism situation

by Himani Chand | 23-02-2020 13:10

Hello everyone!!! 
It¡¯s been really long that I am writing something. Actually after such long time that got me to have my hands on was our TEG motto :
Be the change 
Inspire the change
Implement the change

And my belief towards is getting even stronger by many things but the one that influenced me the most recently was movie ¡° PARASITE ¡°.  Sweeping up many international awards including 92nd Oscar Awards too. This movie has greatly impacted me. 

Director of the movie surely did amazing job by giving out lots of messages not only of Korean society but also a message needed in current situation. Ranging from cast and greed problem there were many messages of course. But today I¡¯m here to talk about one of the hidden messages. And that¡¯s about showoff culture. 

Talking about the movie situation, mainly message impacted when a boy kid character was highly influenced by Indian arrower but mother insisting of all such thing being brought from America. But the kid there is fascinated on those things by their looks despite of coming from wherever. And it¡¯s the situation where our society is heading into. 

Because now-a-days everyone here wants to show off instead of understanding and respecting culture that we are following, but people are just busy looking up for fun and ending up to show it everywhere in social media. Obviously social media is great platform to share our memories. But now these things have taken place of emotions and enthusiastic charm of following them. There is no thrill of following any rituals now than it was about 9/10 years back. I don¡¯t understand a thing, not in every cases, but photos are there to capture the memories but most of the time it¡¯s just to look good killing all the sentiments behind it. 

Even at the ending of movie ¡°Parasite¡± it has been depicted that how society is turning into stone age again ( Internally). 

Emphasizing more of show-off culture then the way of celebrating our rituals and customs are also not so clean-handed for it too. Just like we have recently celebrated Shiva Ratri and Holi is in the way of coming in Nepal. But now -a-days ,essence of actually understanding their meanings, celebrating those cultures have lost somewhere in the path of generation change. Festivals we celebrate, end up somewhere in the syndrome of photos clicking.

Well ,it may sound a bit resistive voice towards photos  clicking. Then I would like to apologize if I have created misunderstanding. Because, obviously photos are necessary to save memories. But instead of focusing in that ,I am just pleading to voice for keeping everything natural and also understanding the true essence of every processes going around to. Let's stop being self-centered.

So is in the case of marketing world, consumerism is obviously one of the influential sector to keep our hands working on. Because that¡¯s one of the cause that took up the place of reusable and alternative goods of middle age society by today's plastics. And now are ending up in pile of plastics, starting from bottom of sea to the top of Himalayas. We always listen up the news of plastics being banned but at the end of day, week, month, year that¡¯s the thing seen mostly at the corners of house, roads. 

Plastics are increasing because of it's short term appealing appearance ; with it's cheap price ; short time use; where we are completely ignoring it¡¯s long effects on all living creatures ranging from sea to mountains. We are giving up durable alternatives, reusable  goods for them. 

Plastic production really only took off around the 1950s. Almost anything that plastic could replace was replaced. Although plastic was the replacement for many natural resources such as ivory, precious metals, wood, etc., and was cheaper to make, plastic waste was becoming a significant issue and was recognized as a waste problem as early as the 1970s and 1980s. 

Although the technologies like Solar Impulse are going towards solution side for plastic pollution. But it will never be effective unless we change our attitudes towards the solution. Not everything has to be done by Domestic and International platforms for it's control. Because plastic pollution is the result of our careless nature while using Plastics. So we should feel responsible for eliminating it too. And it's only possible by 3Rs and education. Also use of disposable and reusable goods ; sustainable materials like aluminum ,or other metal goods ,bamboo materials ,and so on.

Human's attitudes towards every aspects are the greatest influencer for change in society either socially, environmentally or in any other means. So let¡¯s not forget our natural true essence of loving and caring towards each creatures of the World. Our such multi-dimensional self-less thought can only create platform of stability, peace and equality .