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How Going Solar Helps The Environment

by Kevin Devoto | 06-02-2020 08:34

Going solar provides you with many incredible benefits. You reduce your energy consumption and lower your monthly bills. Installing solar panels on your roof increases the value of your home. You get to take advantage of tax incentives. Going solar also reduces your carbon footprint. If you¡¯ve ever wondered, here¡¯s how going solar can help the environment.

Reduce Your Use of Non-Renewable Resources

As humans, we rely a significant amount on non-renewable sources of energy – coal, oil, and natural gas to name a few. These types of energy sources are also known collectively as fossil fuels. Not only is non-renewable energy detrimental to the environment, but it will eventually run out. It would take potentially thousands of years for these resources to renew.

Solar power and other types of renewable energy are by their very nature renewable. They won¡¯t run out. By using these types of energy sources, you reduce your dependence on the sources that take a substantial amount of time to renew.

Contribute Less to Air Pollution

As mentioned above, fossil fuels are detrimental to the environment. When burned, they create pollutants that are released into the atmosphere. These pollutants (such as methane gases and carbon dioxide) create smog, which makes the air look bad. It also makes the air unhealthy to breathe. Pollutants from burning fossil fuels have been linked to various respiratory issues such as asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia. They have even been linked to some cancers!

Solar power doesn¡¯t involve burning anything. It doesn¡¯t release pollutants into the air. The more homeowners and business owners who go solar, the less harmful emissions are released into the air.

Slow Climate Change

The toxins released into the air do more than pollute the air (and increase the risk of problems). They also increase the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is a natural process that warms the Earth so that we can live on it. So, what¡¯s the problem then?

Burning fossil fuels warms the Earth faster than what¡¯s considered normal. As a result, it has been linked to serious events like flooding, excessive heat, droughts, and more.

Just like it doesn¡¯t create any pollutants, solar power doesn¡¯t produce any greenhouse gases. It doesn¡¯t contribute to an enhanced greenhouse effect. It may be possible to slow climate change as more people adopt solar.

Use and Pollute Less Water

Water is one of our most precious resources. Traditional sources of energy require the use of a significant amount of water. It¡¯s needed for cooling, processing, refining, and transportation through pipes. The water could become contaminated and its use for traditional energy may compete with agriculture or drinking water.

While there is a little water used in the production of solar panels, it¡¯s substantially less than what¡¯s used for traditional energy. Once the panels are on your house, they don¡¯t require the use of any water at all, nor is there any risk to the water supply. The only water your solar panels use is the water that washes them naturally when it rains. Without the need for water, the resource can be preserved for other important purposes.

Lessen Your Home¡¯s Carbon Footprint

Solar energy doesn¡¯t create any air pollutants or greenhouse gases. It doesn¡¯t use any water. It¡¯s abundant and unlikely to run out any time soon. It¡¯s one of the cleanest energy sources available. Best of all, the sun is free.

When you install solar panels on your house, you reduce your need for traditional energy sources. The panels absorb the sun¡¯s rays and convert them into the power your home needs to run. With less dependence on traditional energy, you effectively make your home more efficient and sustainable, reducing its overall carbon footprint.

Solar power does more than just save you money and increase the value of your home. It also helps to reduce your impact on the environment and natural resources, allowing you to make positive changes that protect the earth for future generations.