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What to Know About Climate Change

by Paisley Hansen | 30-12-2019 10:47

Climate change is a complicated topic, with many different facets of information. If you would like to know the basics, here are some of the most important facts regarding climate change, and the future of the Earth.

Our Planet is Warming Rapidly

The latest studies have shown that the planetary temperature has increased exponentially since the advent of the Industrial Revolution, which began to put huge amounts of carbon into the atmosphere. Some scientists theorize that if we do not get back on track to inhibit the release of more carbon, many parts of the planet could be uninhabitable in the next few decades. The warming has also led to many other adverse effects, such as more extreme weather events, rising sea levels because of the melting ice, and intense temperature differences that occur in very short periods of time. 

Fixing It is a Worldwide Effort

Adhering to strict standards and establishing a plan requires intervention and collaboration from countries all over the world. One organization that is making a massive effort to combat the effects of climate change is the Climate Leadership Council. There have also been legislative efforts, such as the Paris Climate Accord, which are signed by many countries, as a promise to try to make marked effort to reduce carbon emissions and convert to green energy alternatives whenever possible. Countries such as Germany have even committed to having almost one hundred percent green energy in the next few years, to do their part in stopping climate change.

Alternative Energy Options

Fortunately, scientific inventions and processes have increased along with temperatures, and as such, many other energy sources exist. The options are growing every year. One of the most popular is installing solar panels, whether on the roof of a business building or suburban residence. These have been shown to sometimes eliminate the homeowner's electric bill completely, and you can easily store energy for days when there is less sun. Other alternatives include wind energy, nuclear energy and new inventions like the electric car. As more people become aware of the effects of climate change, there will be more of a transition into other energy sources. 

The Impact of Future Climate Migration

Although if you live in the northern United States or Europe, you may not be feeling the adverse effects of warming, those who gravitate toward the middle of the Earth certainly will experience intense heat in future decades. Climate migration is becoming a real concern, as billions of people residing near the equator will eventually become displaced, and have to choose between immigration or death. The temperatures and weather event patterns will also lead to devastation such as coastal island communities being wiped out because of rising sea levels, as well as scarcity of resources from droughts or lack of water in other areas. Northern countries will have to consider options for climate migrants who will need to relocate to survive.

How You Can Make a Difference

Although it may seem like you as an individual cannot stop the onslaught of climate change, there are many actions you can take in order to play your part, and potentially inspire others to do so as well. For instance, switch out your everyday plastic disposable water bottle for a reusable one, or try to bring cloth bags when you do your grocery shopping. If you want to take it a step further, you can even go on many websites, enter in what your habits and living situation are, and pay a voluntary carbon tax, which is utilized by organizations to help with the battle against climate change. 

Climate change is certainly a huge issue of the modern era. With creative solutions, humanity may stand a chance of surviving climate change and becoming stronger for it.