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Reuse of plastics on Exhibition.

by Sandhya Adhikari | 24-12-2019 23:57

I would like to apologize with you all that I couldn't show my active participation and activeness on tunza nowadays due to my final examination on the door. Here the monthly topic has already been sent to us so this time I couldn't spend a time to have a detail knowledge about the topic and pen on it. But I have tried to write on a sustainable table on very different way, Food and environment both are so clearly and deeply inter related to us, the food that on the table should be environment friendly, it shouldn't affect the environmental condition.

Similarly on this hectic and busiest schedule here on my collage organization IVSA on collaboration with HAVS had conducted Exhibition on theme" Cultivating innovation on Ag and Vet." Inspite of a lot of pressure of Exams, practicals and assignments, I registered my stall but still I was in perplexed what actually I had to innovate. So as an environment concerned girl and an agriculturist, I collaborated my ideas and I planned to innovative such a thing that it directly relate agriculture with environment. So with that thought and posit I spent my two days to show my ideas on action and finally I presented a model of simple agriculture practice with an imagination of Urban area on my head where the scarcity of water and cultivable land is most. I presented vertical farming method with drip irrigation, Fertigation and low cost hydroponics where I used every things made up of plastics that were in useless conditions like plastics bottle, drip from hospital, saline water bottle, syringe for pumping water.
And aren't you so curious to know why I used this material?

Since our topic for the month is sustainable table, so what I want to show through this model is that the food that comes to our table should be environment friendly, so on plastics materials too which are creating most hazardous effects, we can cultivate some things like herbs, garlics, mint, onion, corrionder, and also some flowers. My work was directly related to agricultural practics and environment where I made vertical stairs with plastic bottle where I plant garlics, used saline water bottle where I connected drip and used it as an medium for supplying water to the plant by making hole on the drip pipe near to the plant root zone so that the plant utilize maximum water and nutrients. I made hydroponics I.e soil less farming system with plastic tray and bottles.
Around 800 students had visited this programme and I gave presentation to them to recycle such materials at last to everyone who visited our stall. They really liked the concept and judge were also too satisfied with my concept and it was really a delight moment for us to come on second position. I taught children to do the similar recycling process on their home too and cultivate some plants for the sustainable table.
And I have too cultivated garlic on my exhibition model and I am so happy that soon I will have a plant in my table that is grown in an ecofriendly manner.

So I request every one to reuse those materials in a way that its effect can be lowered, here I recycled bottles, I reused and I rejuvinated my ideas to set up this model. And I believe our small act is going to creat a great impact.