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Alternative Cancer Treatment Options

by Paisley Hansen | 12-12-2019 10:17

There's a lot to be desired when it comes to current treatment options for cancer. The main treatments utilized are radiation and chemotherapy. Both patients and doctors have been taking a closer look at these treatments, believing the some of the side effects can be worse than the cancer itself. Here are some alternatives to traditional cancer treatments that may be worth considering. 


Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

The body has the ability to heal itself. PRP therapy is a process by which the patient¡¯s own platelets are injected in order to stimulate the body's ability to heal itself. PRP is considered regenerative medicine and according to Propanac these injections have the potential to fight a broad range of cancers. While currently focused on pancreatic and colorectal cancers, more platelet rich plasma training will be pursued for other types of cancer as well. 


Proteolytic Enzyme Therapy

Nicholas J. Gonzalez studied the work of a man by the name of John Beard, who claimed that pancreatic enzymes can serve as the body's largest defense against cancer. Gonzales had some success by building upon this theory. In an attempt to balance the two systems that are thought to contribute to cancer - sympathetic and autonomic - a vegetarian diet is used to suppress the overactive sympathetic system in cancer patients. In addition to this, inflammation is controlled and reduced through daily proteolytic enzyme supplements. 


Oxygen Therapy

Dr. Otto Warburg attributed the cause of cancer to oxygen deficiency and was awarded. By not having enough oxygen in the blood it becomes more acidic, which is a perfect breeding ground for cancer. He also believed that cancer cells can't survive in oxygen-rich or alkaline environments. One of the ways he suggested that people help their bodies to become more alkaline is to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and to breathe clean air often. 

Following this logic, oxygen tanks are considered as a potential alternative treatment for cancer. The oxygen chambers force the body to hold more oxygen and deliver it to organs and tissues. This can have a negative effect on cancer cells. 


Gerson Therapy

Many alternative cancer therapies rely on making a change to your diet in order to see health benefits, and the Gerson therapy is no different. This therapy uses a combination of diet and cleansing to help the body heal itself. The Gerson therapy has several facets to it, including:

  • Consuming 15-20 lbs. of juiced, organic fruits and vegetables daily (13 glasses)

  • Three full plant-based meals including fruit, vegetables, and whole grains

  • Oxygenation is usually doubled, if not more

  • Supplements are used to stimulate the metabolism

  • Detoxification techniques such as coffee enemas are used to aid in waste elimination

Originally developed in the 1930s, Dr. Max Gerson was one of the first physicians to focus on a whole-body approach to medicine and cancer, specifically. 


Frankincense Oil Therapy

Frankincense essential oil has caused some heads to turn in recent years as research has shown that not only can it help reduce inflammation, but it can differentiate between healthy cells and cancer cells. One of the main drawbacks of chemotherapy is that it kills all of the cells, not just cancer. Having something that can target cancer cells specifically is crucial. Early results show that Frankincense contains substances that have anti-tumor properties. Not only that, but frankincense was found to kill breast cancer cells while disrupting the growth of future cancer cells. It's not surprising, considering that frankincense has a long history in folk medicine. 

As with any alternative medical treatment, be sure to talk to your doctor about the options you'd like to pursue. The good news is that more and more people are realizing that successful cancer treatments can involve methods aside from the traditional cut-and-burn tactics of chemo and radiation. Many alternative treatments target diet and lifestyle specifically, promoting more fresh fruits and vegetables. No matter what alternative treatment you chose, make sure to do thorough research and get your doctor's opinion on the matter before proceeding.