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Algae and Your Health

by Kevin Devoto | 14-12-2019 08:54

Go Green and Get Well
As the health food craze continues and wellness becomes a priority for more people, you have probably heard about many different methods for staying in shape and healing your body. There is a wealth of information available, and numerous commercially prepared products that you can buy to add to your supplement routine. One of the most important but often missed aspects of human health is the body¡¯s need for water-based plant life such as algae. Algae, though often associated with bodies of water like ponds and even swimming pools, comes in many forms that have been used for many years by widespread civilizations for health.  Here are three ways that adding algae in some of its better known forms - such as spirulina or chlorella - to your diet or supplements can help you to feel - and heal - your best.
1. Inflammation and Chronic Pain Treatment
If you or someone you know have ever experienced the inflammation that comes with conditions like arthritis which is characterized by localized or even all-over swelling or tenderness, you are most likely aware that it can be quite unpleasant. While a certain amount of inflammation can be a normal and necessary part of the natural healing process, constant inflammation can put your immune system on overload. And when your system is consistently overtaxed, it can weaken your defenses against other dangers. Adding quality sources of plant-based supplements such as a cracked cell chlorella product from a trusted natural pharmaceutical manufacturer can provide you with a natural and effective way to fight through those pesky bouts of inflammation. 
Similarly, and because pain is an unavoidable part of life and often accompanies inflammation, you will be delighted to find that algae and its components are also known to have pain reducing properties. Whether you are looking to combine forces and give a one-two punch to an inflammatory condition, or you just need a natural standalone way to deal with common discomforts, using an algae product would do great good without the typical side effects of chemical over the counter medications.
2. Cardiovascular Strengthening
Heart health is a common concern for many people, and the management of heart-related conditions is something that many cardiovascular patients have to take into their own hands for day to day maintenance. Cardiologists instruct individuals to avoid overindulging in fatty foods and to eat a diet of fiber-rich foods and whole grains. These actions can have a major impact on heart health risks factors and reduces ¡°bad¡± cholesterol levels. What many people might not know, however, is that algae products can also be very beneficial to staying on track. Algae contains a substance called phytosterols, which helps to prevent the intestines from taking in the damaging types of cholesterol. Therefore, the cholesterol that you don¡¯t want in your body is expelled through natural processes and is then unable to cause havoc to your heart!
3. Cancer Thwarting
Of the serious illnesses that can befall us as human beings, cancer is one of the most feared and often discussed. Big strides have been made in the treatment of its many varieties, and the chances of survival have greatly increased over the last few decades. So it is no surprise that antioxidant-rich greens are touted as being crucial to improving your chances of avoiding the illness altogether. One of the greenest of the greens, algae is a treasure trove of cancer fighting elements, and has been gaining popularity for that very reason. 
There is no instant cure for most ailments, but there is no doubt that you will feel healthier if you add a form or two of algae to your diet. While you are at it, fill your plate at every meal with as many bright vegetables as you can. Your waistline will also thank you!