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by Meena Pandey | 25-11-2019 23:43

Our Professor of Agro-ecology had given us assignment on local visited site and I visited the area near by my hometown where the use of pesticide was beyond threshold.The one who was using pesticide had not due knowledge even what  she was using.I suggested two farmers about the use and hazards of farmers and prepare the report hereby.



Plastic pollution is the accumulation of plastic objects and particles (e.g.: plastic bottles and much more) in the Earth's environment that adversely affects wildlife, wildlife habitat, and humans. Plastics that act as pollutants are categorized into micro-, meso-, or macro debris, based on size.

Pesticides are a numerous and diverse group of chemical compounds, which are used to eliminate pests in agriculture and households. They enable the quantities and the quality of crops and food to be controlled, and help to limit many human diseases transmitted by insect or rodent vectors. Pesticides work by attracting, seducing and then destroying or mitigating the pests.





a)In order to identify the effects of plastics wrappers used in pesticides wrapping

b)To identify the reason of using pesticides despite knowing its consequences.
c)To inspect the different sorts of pollution created due to application of pesticides in tomato farming.
d)To give the remedial measure or alternative method of application of pesticides.


1)Site selection: We selected easily accessible and suitable place i.e. Kavresthali, Kathmandu.

2)Data collection:

2.1)Primary data collection Primary sources of information included case studies, interviews, questionnaires and observations. For collection of primary data, methods included questionnaire survey, physical mapping and references provided by concerned farmers. Questionnaire surveys were conducted with the farmer holding occupation of tomato farming since many years. An investigation survey was conducted for the identification of the study areas. The study areas were identified and delineated. For this purpose, internet surfing was done and the farm was visited.
a)Interview: The interview is an important tool of research. The oral questionnaire method was used in the analysis and the response of the interviewee were written and recorded.
b. Questionnaire: A questionnaire is a formulated series of questions. It is used when factual data and information is desired. Questionnaires administered personally to an individual or groups


2.2)Morphometry: Kavresthali is located at eastern Tarakeshwor municipality .Study area is located at 27.7896.N and 85.3007.E.It is 2551 m above sea level.

2.3) Climate and Soil:

Climate is nearly temperate & it is well watered by the seasonal river as well as abundant ground

water. Summer is warm & humid while winter is mild & pleasant. Alluvial soil is present here.


Result and discussion
Risks associated with pesticide use have surpassed their beneficial effects. Pesticides have drastic effects on non-target species and affect animal and plant biodiversity, aquatic as well as terrestrial food webs and ecosystems. About 80–90 % of the applied pesticides can volatilize within a few days of application.  The volatilized pesticides evaporate into the air and subsequently may cause harm to non-target organism. A very good example of this is the use of herbicides, which volatilize off the treated plants and the vapors are sufficient to cause severe damage to other plants. Uncontrolled use of pesticides has resulted in reduction of several terrestrial and aquatic animal and plant species. They have also threatened the survival of some rare species. Additionally, air, water and soil bodies have also being contaminated with these chemicals  to  toxic levels.   Among all the categories of pesticides, insecticides are  considered  to  be  most  toxic  whereas  fungicides  and  herbicides  are  second  and  third  on  the  toxicity  list.  Pesticides enter the natural ecosystems by  two  different  means  depending  upon  their  solubility.  Water soluble pesticides get dissolve in  water  and  enter  ground  water, streams, rivers and lakes hence causing harm to untargeted species. On the other hand, fat soluble pesticides enter the bodies of animals by a process known as ¡°bio amplification¡±. They get absorbed in the fatty tissues of animals hence resulting in persistence of pesticide in food chains for extended period.

1)Threats of biodiversity:


           The threats associated with the  use  of  uncontrolled  use  of  these  toxins  cannot  be  overlooked. It is the need of the hour to consider the pesticide impact on populations of aquatic and terrestrial plants, animals and birds. Accumulation of pesticides in the food chains is of greatest concern as it directly affects the predators and raptors. But, indirectly, pesticides can also reduce the quantity of weeds, shrubs and insects on which higher orders feed.  Spraying of insecticides, herbicides and  fungicide  have also been linked to decline in the population of rare species of animals and birds.

Threats to Aquatic Biodiversity Pesticides enter the water via drift, by runoff, leaching through the soil or they may be applied directly into surface water in some cases such as for mosquitoes¡¯ control. Pesticide-contaminated water poses a great threat to aquatic form of life. It can affect aquatic plants, decrease dissolved oxygen in the water and can cause physiological and behavioral changes in fi sh populations. In several studies, lawn and land care pesticides have been found in surface waters and water bodies such as ponds, streams and lakes. Pesticides which are applied to land drift to aquatic ecosystems and there they are toxic to fishes and non-target organisms. These pesticides are not only toxic themselves but also interact with stressors which include  harmful  algal  blooms.  With the  overuse  of  pesticides,  a  decline  in  populations of different fish species is observed. Aquatic animals are exposed to pesticides in three ways

.•Dermally : Direct absorption via skin

           •Breathing : Uptake via gills during breathing

           •Orally : Entry via drinking contaminated water  



2)Effects of Pesticides on terrestrial Environment


           Pesticide exposure can also cause sub-lethal effects on terrestrial plants in addition to killing  non-target  plants.  Drifting or  volatilization  of  phenoxy  herbicides  can  injure nearby trees and shrubs. Herbicide glyphosate increases susceptibility of plants to diseases and reduces seed quality. Even low doses of herbicides, sulfonylureas, sulphon-amides and imidazolinones have a devastating impact on the productivity of non- target crops, natural plant communities and wildlife. Pesticides have not even spared the terrestrial animal populations. Populations of benefi  cial  insects  such  as  bees  and  beetles  can  significantly  decline  by  the  use  of  broad-spectrum insecticides such as carbamates, organophosphates and pyrethroids. Insect population has also been found to be greater on organic farms compared to non-organic  ones.  Synergistic  effects  of  pyrethroids  and  triazole  or  imidazole    fungicides  are  harmful  to  honey  bees. Neonicotinoids insecticides  such  as  clothianidin  and  imidacloprid  are  toxic  to  bees.  Imidacloprid  even at low doses negatively affects bee foraging behaviour in addition to reducing learning capacity

 Pesticides can be applied as liquid sprays on the soil or crop plant, may be incorporated or injected into the soil or applied as granules or as a seed treatment. Once they have reached their target area, pesticides disappear via degradation, dispersion, volatilization or leaching into surface water and groundwater; they may be taken up by plants or soil organisms or they may stay in the soil.The major concern of pesticide overuse is their leaching into the soil, which affects the microbes residing in it. Soil dwelling microbes help the plants in many different ways, such as nutrient  uptake;  breakdown  of  organic  matter  and  increasing  soil  fertility.  But  indirectly  they  are  also  advantageous  to  humans  as  we  heavily  depend  on  plants.  Unfortunately, pesticide overuse may have drastic consequences and a time may come when we would not have any more of these organisms and soil may degrade.


3)Pesticides impact on human health:


A)Chronic effects:



c)gene effect


e)Birth defect


g)Nervous system disorders



B)Acute effects:

a)Oral: Examples- Burned mouth,sore throat,upset stomach inhalation

b)Inhalation- Pain or tightness in chest

c)Dermal(skin)- Skin, blister, rashes

d)Ocular(eyes)- Irritation, temporary or permanent blindness


C)Allergic effects

a) Systemic: as asthma, shock

b) Skin irritation: rash, blisters, sores

c)Eye and nose: itchy/watery eyes, snoozing

d)Will occur to the every exposure to the offending chemical

           The use of crop protection technology in agriculture has brought enormous benefits but it also generates negative impacts on the environment. Current food supply and agricultural interests are at odds with the perspective of sustainability. The possible hazards is explained above.

Things we can do to make reduction in the use of pesticides?

Breakdown of the problem and future options :

          The dilemmas of regulating and guiding the development of pesticide technologies and application practices that may affect the environment are presented above. The simple representation of a discussion that we have discussed above in the introductory session can be sharpened along two different lines of reasoning. The first is to use the analysis for the identification of barriers and solutions within the boundaries of each of the spheres, as well as the possibility to modify existing interactions with the other spheres.

Things we can do to make reduction exposure to the pesticides?

a)  Buy organic and locally grown fruit and vegetables

b) Wash fruits and vegetables before eating.

c) Know which fruits and vegetables have higher levels of pesticide residue.)

d) . Grow your own produce.
e) Use non-toxic methods for controlling insects in the home and garden.

We can adopt following methods for the reduction in the use of pesticides:

a)We must buy disease and pest resistant variety from agro-vet.
b)In order to get rid of the pests we can use organic pesticides in the field like neem paste, tobacco water, garlic and onion paste.
c)In case we have the incidence of pests we can apply forced or high speed of water in a small pipe so that the pests are washed away.
d)Furthermore, we can apply natural predators of the insects or pests by the proper identification of the pests.
e)Use of the bio pesticides must be used in greater intensity.
f)In case there is high intensity of pests in the field and its quiet difficult to remove it by the above mentioned method we can do judicial application of pesticides.

Summary and Conclusion:

          After our observation and study, we found the incidence of disease and pest in tomato farming is quiet serious. In the temptation of getting tomato of bigger size in a short period of time,farmers were supposed to apply the pesticides in the field haphazardly. Different pesticides used in tomato in this site were azoxystrobin, metalaxyl, flusilazole, triadimefon, endossulfan, etoxazole, buprofezin.It is also found that the cause of pesticidal pollution is lack of skill and training of the farmer. The illiterate farmer who are trying to commercialize the tomato farming but due to lack of adequate experience they are using the pesticides without knowing its impact to the surrounding. People living around the tomato tunnel not only suffers from the strong bad smell of the pesticides but also it pollutes the water sources due to run-off of the surface water.


 PDF) Effects of Pesticides on Environment. Available from: [accessed Nov 10 2019].