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Future of the marine life.

by Sandhya Adhikari | 27-11-2019 02:53

We live on the blue planet, a planet that support the life of 7 billion human population along with billions and billions of other organisms. We live on the planets where the world¡¯s oceans covers the three quarters of the earth¡¯s which consists of 97% of earth¡¯s water and currently absorbing around one third of the carbon dioxide ejected by anthropogenic activities and which is assisting in part by acting a buffer for change of the impact of the global climate change. About 60% to 40% of the carbon dioxide from the human activities which are released into the atmosphere discloses into the oceans resulting into the formation of the carbonic acids which has resulted in the acidification of the ocean i.e  ocean acidification. This all the activities is just inducing the dropping of the pH which is resulting the reduction of the growth of the marine life i.e calcifying organisms corals and shellfish. There are still many others problem that are escalating on the very faster rate whose impact and implication are drastically huge and mushrooming.

Around 80% of marine pollution comes from land-based activities. Waste runs or is dumped into drains and rivers and hence the seas. Oil, fertilisers, sewage, plastics and toxic chemicals are all part of the mix. Oil spills are less frequent but in many countries without an established recycling system, used oil is thrown down the drain or poured directly into rivers. Nutrients in fertiliser runoff from farms and lawns produce algae, depleting dissolved oxygen and suffocating marine life, causing dead zones in places such as the Gulf of Mexico and the Baltic. In many regions, untreated sewage still flows into the seas – 80% of urban sewage discharged into the Mediterranean is untreated. A recent addition to the challenge is the role of desalination plants, cropping up in areas of water stress from the Middle East to Australia and California. As a core by-product of their water purification process, they add salt into the seas, so increasing salinity and hence acute toxicity. Its very hard and matter of shameless to wrap ones head around the research number of plastics nearly 4.8 to 12.5 million tons of the stuff  makes its way from land into our oceans annually. Marine food chain and ecosystem are severely stressed in many parts of the world as a result of overpopulation, intense coastal development, urbanization, spiraling resources use, pollution and the spread of the invasive species. The global warming and climate change is expected to exacerbate the stressors and water is one of the greatest challenges that the world in the 21st century is facing. Due to the sudden change in the climatic condition, marine life provides a window into the global trends in persistant organic Pollutants popularly called as the dirty dozens, which has led the future of the marine animals on threat. While all of the pollutants are having severe negative impact, perhaps the most visible – hence one that will drive the biggest change in the next decade – is plastic. Around an average of 275 million tons of plastic waste is generated each year around the world; between 4.8 million and 12.5 million tons is either washed or dumped deliberately into the sea. The World Bank expects the planet¡¯s municipal solid waste to double within 15 years, much of this in the form of single-use plastic items. Bottles, bags, balloons, packaging, shoes – all take decades to break down. This waste is ingested by pretty much every marine animal including fish, dolphins, seals and turtles. So far, plastic has been found to be blocking the digestive tracts of at least 267 different species.


Just imagine the life of the marine animals, marine life, they are extensively are on the threat of this global anthropogenic activities, With all the consequences of our actions now becoming apparent, the question is what will change going forward? Has ocean pollution become such a significant issue that there will be tangible change within the next decade? Some think so. Foremost, and largely because of plastic waste, the visibility of the impact is clear in the media and policy bodies. The UN has included as its 14th Sustainable Development Goal the ambition to ¡°conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources.¡± A core 2025 objective is to prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, especially land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution. To sum up marine life are greatly on the verse of extension, so keen focus suitable plans and policies must be authorized for the better environmental conditions.