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Marine Life and Plastics

by DAVID CHAPOLOKO | 24-11-2019 13:39

The rates at which plastic litter is accumulating on the surface of the earth is quite Worrying. According to the United Nations Environment Program-UNEP, 2016 reports revealed that at least 311 millions tones of plastics are produced each year since 2010. Further the United Nations Environment reports on the 2018 World Environment Day commemoration hosted in India suggested that out of total amount of plastic produced, 13 million plastics finds their way into the sea annually and not less than 100 000 marine life are killed each year by these plastics. 
Such are worrying statistics on global plastic production rates. 

The United Nations further have disclosed that, at least 800 species worldwide are affected by marine debris, and as much as 80 percent of that litter is plastic, the aforementioned 13 million metric tones of plastic finding its way into the sea annually. less than 100 000 marine life are killed each year by these plastics. 
 Fish, seabirds, sea turtles, and marine mammals can become entangled in or ingest plastic debris, causing suffocation, starvation, and drowning. While plastics are estimated to take up to hundreds of years to fully decompose, some of them break down much quicker into tiny particles, which in turn end up in the sea 

For instance, according to the World Wide Fund For Nature- WWF, 2019 reports suggests that plastic Bottle PET takes about 450 years to disintegrate. Meaning, if these statistics are to be believed, moving forward with this assumption, it implies that since the inception of synthetic PET plastic technology, unless recycled or reused, no PET plastic has disintegrated naturally yet and keeps on piling on earth's surface and surfocates the marine animals. Bearing in mind that often what starts on the land ends in the sea. 

This implies that massive efforts to deal with plastic litter management have to be conceived that will better deal with the already disposed plastics as well as those that may be produced in future so that terrestrial as well as marine plastic pollution is combated and that marine life stays safe and sustainable.

If plastic pollution is left unchecked, more research has disclosed that by 2030 there will be more plastics in the sea than the population of marine animals. As Environmental advocates we have work to do. We need to outline and impliment strategies that will be aimed at Reducing, Reusing as well as Recycle plastics to save the marine life. 

Plastics are a greatest threat to the marine ecosystem now. Only if we influence policies that will put tangible measures to arest this awful situation will we be able to save life under the sea. We are to take a front role and work as the voice for the helpless fish in vast oceans. 

Save the marine!! Together we can achieve a green, plastic free and sustainable marine ecosystem.