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Climate Impacts and Human Evolution

by Momina Ahsan | 21-08-2023 00:37

A long time ago, when the world evolved from the Big Bang Miracle, it appeared that humans were naive, simple, and blank-minded. When the air was pure and the climate bloomed colors all over the globe, humans lived in forests, loved nature, and used nature as the ultimate source of covering the skin. temperature observed that tef the universe was around 10^32 Kelvin. 3 minutes. After the Big Bang - Protons and neutrons began to come together to form the nuclei of simple elements. The temperature of the universe was still incredibly high at about 10^9 Kelvin.


As time passed, the universe expanded and the evolution of climatic impacts brought changes to human existence starting from simple neurons to the expansion of nervous cords.

The early existence of Climates is vague, and balmy while human existence can be illustrated as curious, simple but straight forwarded. It's been a mystery. Experiments and research are being conducted to find unveil the realities, mysteries, and unexplored world of early centuries.  In the course of human evolution, the environment has changed, including cooling, drying, and wider climate fluctuations. The evolution of new adaptations, the origin and extinction of early hominin species, and the emergence of our species, Homo sapiens, were all shaped by environmental change. (Hominin refers to any bipedal species closely related to humans - that is, on the human division of the evolutionary tree since humans and chimpanzees split off from a common ancestor somewhere between 6 and 8 million years ago.)


What's the evidence that Earth's climate has changed? What's climate change like? One important line of evidence is the record of oxygen isotopes through time. This record of ¥ä18O, or oxygen stable isotopes, comes from measuring oxygen in the microscopic skeletons of foraminifera (forams, for short) that lived on the sea floor. This measure can be used as an indicator of changing temperature and glacial ice over time. 


Paleoanthropologists – scientists who study human evolution – have proposed a variety of ideas about how environmental conditions may have stimulated important developments in human origins. 


Climatic changes have brought a crucial impact on human evolution while unleashing the mysteries yet to be explored. Here are a few factors that have evolved as per the climatic changes inclined abruptly:

Diverse species have emerged over the course of human evolution and a suite of adaptations have accumulated over time, including:


Upright walking:


As scientists believe in the fact of evolution, it is stated that humans used to walk like chimps in the early stages of life. With time, to conserve their energy, they started upright walking. The energy saved by walking upright gave our ancient ancestors an evolutionary advantage over other apes by reducing the costs of foraging for food.


The capacity to make tools:


From using stones to lit fire to making tools to add facilitation in life, climate change has brought a critical impact on human evolution. From using leaves as the only way to cover their naked body to finding that leaves can be the source of satiating appetite, humans learned to bend iron, utilize aluminum and carve metal to revolutionize their life. The first tool was invented to add security from wild animals which led to various Oldowan kits (Old men tools kit) consisting of hammers, sharp-edged flakes, etc.) that contributed to protecting early men from climatic changes. 


Enlargement of the brain:


As time passed, humans evolved from simple to revolutionized, complex-minded entities. Climate Change affects in enlargement of the brain by opening the knots, contributing to the expansion of ideologies and critical thinking. High temperatures can alter nervous system features, ranging from the biochemical to the system level, including effects on gene expression in neurons (nerve cells), neuron structure, and even brain organization. On top of that, the temperature can even influence the formation of new neurons in adult animal brains. The emergence of complex mental and social behavior is influenced by climate change.


Prolonged maturation:


Climate change can impact the maturation of human beings. Hotter and more severe weather can cause children to have to resort to being inside instead of outside being active. That inactivity reduces the amount of melatonin in the body which then triggers the body to move into puberty.


Dependence on technology to alter the surroundings:


As time passed, humans started relying on technology to alter their surroundings and developed various tools to facilitate their living. In the 21st century, humans have entered into the 4th industrial revolution with Web 3.0 bringing metaverse, blockchain, and several tools bringing facilities for human lives. From altering weather conditions to bringing artificial intelligence to life, humans' dependence on technology has introduced revolutionary impacts. 


To cut it short, climatic changes are like the building blocks that brought flourishment impacts to the evolutionary hierarchy of human beings. While it brought facilities to their lives, it also added some staggering impacts that are bringing lethal genes and acting like cancerous growth to the DNA of human evolution. It is time to consider climatic impacts along with the development of human beings before it starts traumatizing human evolution from base to the top.