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by Momina Ahsan | 21-08-2023 00:42

If I could take a brush and paint the mountains and the moors,
I would splash the hillsides yellow and cover them in gorse.
I'd take the finest needle and the darkest thread of green
        And sew a line of bracken along the landscape

Earth - The land where spectacular mountains, lush green meadows and the sky high peaks have always made the Globe gaze. If I were an artist, I would like to have the colors of Nature brimming on Earth sprinkle over the canvas. If I were a singer, I¡¯d like to have the beauty of diversity as my lyrics spellbinding the Globe. Nature is like the mesmerizing spell enchanting the souls, like the music in the rhythm so bounding.

        Allah Almighty created this universe and asked in Quran, We have created miracles for you to ponder. In the universe, there have been created billions of flora and fauna, out of which yet 2.5 million fauna have been discovered by humans after research of many centuries and still, just 1.5 million flora have been discovered. It all indicates Biodiversity is still a long way to be discovered.

         If we cast a glance over the history of biodiversity, it would be clear humans always tried to discover, research and fasten their technology, spreading their research on vast ranges. In the run of technology and in the passion of discovering, they used different weapons, just preserving the nature to research. Thus, Biodiversity boosts ecosystem productivity where each species, no matter how small, all have an important role to play. For example, A larger number of plant species means a greater variety of crops, ultimately feeding large number of animals. This forms a food chain helping humanity in many ways. Either aquatic or Earthly, ecosystem has evolved with time. Many of them got extinct and many got endangered by the humanly acts. Diverse ecosystem provides measures to balance the life on Earth. From regulation of provisioning services for renewable services production to regulation of environmental changes, ecosystem serves the suite for planet¡¯s life. This balance was disturbed by the innovation in technology and as time passed, by destruction of forests to build high buildings. It has been the hot issue in worldly matters, due to the success in technology, people destroyed aquatic and earthly biodiversity by forgetting the rules of Earth. We forgot where there¡¯s beauty, there¡¯s need to save that land by care and protection. Our industrial system ruined our aquatic life, the fibers, the oils and all dyes when thrown in sea made aquatic life suffocate. By the ecological communities humdrum and by the disturbance the evidences are complete distortion of biodiversity. Biodiversity has lost its efficiency due to household waste and urban pollution. Air pollution by raise of smoke in kilns, industries and by transport mingling together and cause global warming.  Industrial effluents, forest destruction and ultimately the destruction of land caused many environmental changes like high carbon dioxide in nature, rise in Nitrogen level and catastrophic events like earthquakes and floods.

       From the human acts, biodiversity has been disturbed by evolution of industries, we have lost forests, made animals lose their habitat and ultimately, it lead to destruction of animals. Animals started becoming extinct by our hunting, due to plastic in oceans , aquatic lives are suffocating. It is time to address Climatic Actions and drive campaigns that can revolutionize biodiversity.