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Law is the Mistress of Power

by Momina Ahsan | 21-08-2023 00:55

In the tumult and turmoil of people, when everyone was busy in the hustle of money. Time seemed running and abiding laws seemed a play. It is the age of digital tasking, the age where one can be sturdy and feeble at the same time. This is an age of materialism, hypocrisy and mammon worship. The lure of money enslaves minds and entices hearts. It has made the women harlots, men stooges and governments mere shuttle cocks. The materialistic approach has made the man of our age a machine who does not know what our spiritual needs are.


            Far behind ages, there was a time

Unlocked in nothingness but greatness

Law was followed and equality of times

The time of swords and simplicity

The time nothing but pure and gold


In that era, there was simplicity all around but law was the thing where strict measures were taken. All khalifa and Holy Prophet PBUH took it like the war and peace note. Even it was asked by Holy Prophet PBUH ¡°Even if HIS daughter would steal anything, she would be punished like all¡±. That era was far behind today¡¯s age yet there was fear and equality among masses. Everyone followed the rule and laws, it was thought abiding is a crime. These weren¡¯t mere words, these were actual strict measures to keep law and order in situation. Laws were equal from khalifa to a common citizen. There were different acts devised and implementation on these was thought the priority. Abiding of fear and following of law was to such extent that Khalifa move out at night to check whether their public is happy or not. Hazrat Omar RA once said: ¡°If in my reign, a single dog would die of hunger I¡¯ll have to answer for that¡±. This fear of Government made the laws following rule over there. Then, time passed, diligence lost and technology took hold. Losing of equality ruined the era. Gradually it became worse and the situation of law and order got demolished. Rich having the power got the view, they can do whatever they want. Giving bribery, doing corruption became a play and show of power.

Technology was invented

Equality got lost

Money became power

Law got enslaved

 The deteriorating law and order situation has threatened time and again to the people and reflected the loopholes that are present in our society. Some dark and demonic forces are leading our country down the abyss of the hades and we can feel the seriousness of law and order situation by a spate of robberies, kidnappings,murders and of all most heinous are the virtual massacre of whole families, yet the law remains silent. A veritable shudder of insecurity and fear has entangled our citizens spines with the affected populace giving vent to its outrage through strikes and agitation. There have been powerful people making money from illegal vibes yet they ain¡¯t resorted to law and regulations. What is the major concern to the affected populace looking towards a mirage for the situation to be controlled and merit to be unlocked.


           There have been certain traditional approach in various parts of the globe that feudal system flourishes for the dominant class to utilize the power, state machinery to reinforce its sturdiness and privilege. If we cast a glance over the history, it would be clear cut to us that landlord class even in pre-industrial revolutionary era count on backing of the forces and law just to ensure obedience on the part of tenants and serfs. In Pakistan, the landlord system is quite prominent in the villages especially of the areas like Sindh, where they seek support of Police and administration to keep the tenants in line. The tendency has got intensified with the coming of democracy like the black sheep urging others to do evil vibes. The feudal lords are dominating on our Provincial and national legislatures utilizing their positions to get their own people inducted into police or other institutions, who then enters to serve their patrons in return for the protection against accountability

In various villages, the elected representatives utilize their political clout to interfere with the running of administration and even tend to sell favors in postings and appointments.


        There are the black sheep nourishing

        And taking blood, sucking it deep

        Making the poor lag behind them

        Making the law mistress of Powerful!!


       Many governments tried to eradicate this evil root, yet it is the sad reality that powerful and rich people have gone such depths of lethal vibes that they don¡¯t even consider law for a while but take it as instigators and participants. Decent citizen dread having anything to do with rich people because it invariably appears to mean greater expense and bother the noble. While, there are many a resourceful person finds it convenient to enter and flout the law with immunity. The commonest form of abiding by law is in the compact between transporters, vehicles or violating of laws. This situation is worst whenever we cast a glance on the situation, we¡¯ll find no place is beyond the reach of criminals and law breakers.


           ¡°Witness is d¡¯ time

           Abiding here is law

           Prevailing here is crime

           Poor are crushed fine

           Watching here is Globe

           Law is mistress of Power¡±

         History is a witness to the part played by the law makers as well as the law breakers during various ages. The graph of crime and lawlessness is generally on the rise all over the world. Justice delayed is justice denied. Justice delayed is forcing the affected ones to take the reins of law into their own land, thus leading to the path of lawlessness and revengeful. Dispensing justice in time is the need of hour.

            It is a pity that we are lacking an effective accountability system. Emerson says:

  ¡°Crime and punishment grow out of one stem.¡±   


             The defective accountability system figures vital for the intolerable state of law and order. The most honest, fair and impartial personnel is wanted for curbing the unlawful situation.


The challenge isn¡¯t yet surmountable. Everything isn¡¯t yet lost. Chips may be down for sometime but the will of government to act promptly and resolutely will salvage the solution. The present system has lost its efficacy due to prolonged neglect and potting of some elements of the system against others. We have seen upheavals in our political lives and we have the capability to check out the views of population.


We¡¯ll have to end the carnival of bloodshed. We¡¯ll have to end wild times. We will have to cat call the lawlessness, to punish spawn of the devil. Let there be progress rather than destruction. Let¡¯s make it sure law ain¡¯t the power of mistress like in today¡¯s times.

         We are not here to play, to dream, to drift

         We have hard work, to do and loads to lift

         Shun not the struggle, for ¡®t¡¯s God¡¯s gift.