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An overview on BOBLME

by Nazaha Amatullah | 21-11-2019 23:51

I bet the title of this report sounds like gibberish to you all, particularly the 'BOBLME' part. It actually stands for the Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem. 

Bay of Bengal is a sea at the south of Bangladesh. I could also provide you other geographical locations on the perspective of other countries, but since you are reading a report from a Bangladeshi person, those information are not of any importance. Any ways, Bay of Bengal full of enriched marine resource.  It is considered to be the 60th largest marine ecosystem in the world. We've got the biodiversity, coral reefs, fish stocks. Over four hundred million people living in the coastal areas are dependant on this sea, even those living far away are directly and indirectly connected with Bay of Bengal. For food, livelihood and security. Bay of Bengal contributes deeply to the economy of Bangladesh. The shrimps are quite tasty, and are a big export element of the country. The fishes too: hilsha (though, they say the river ones are better), Catla, Salmon. 

But here's the thing: the ecosystem is dying. Well, not exactly dying, but at the verge of it. Or at least, that's what people think. Due to the population growth, high dependence on these resources and the over exploitation of fishstocks and also, habitat degradation, Bay of Bengal is facing some severe crisis regarding its ecosystem.

Therefore, with a goal to preserve the ecosystem and improve the regional managements for the marine ecosystem, through which, also bettering the lives of people living in the coastal areas, eight countries: Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar and Maldives got together through the Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem and began working towards this project.

The BOBLME has got five components:

Component 1:

Strategic action programme

It is to make sure the long term and financial sustainability of the BOBLME project.

This component is to be (and will be) achieved through transboundary diagnostic analysis, BOBLME instituional arrangements, sustainable financing strategy and recommedation, strategic action program formulation and adoption.

Component 2:

Coastal/marine natural resources management and sustainable use

Many of the coastal population live off/utilize the natural resources of the BOB. But there isn't any network of communication among these people and they don't understand the need of management (those who are really poor, will never bother with these issues. They have enough of their own). So BOBLME is out to really accomplish that. To establish correct usage of these resources and maintain a management, BOBLME is implementing, community based integrated coastal management, improved policy harmonization, collaborative regional fishery and critical habitat management. 

Component 3:

Improved understanding and predictability of the BOBLME environment:

This is important. Most people don't even understand the need to step up for the environment. And since, the Bay of Bengal is a granted sea for the people living around it, they do not even pay attention to the fact that its ecosystem is under danger. BOBLME project aims to achieve this component to, by improving the understanding of the large scale processes and dynamic affecting the BOBLME, protecting the marine areas in conservation for live fish stocks, improving regional collaboration (very very important for Bangladeshi people. Us, Bengalis, each of us are big believers of what we are doing is right and the whole world is wrong)

Component 4:

Maintenance of Ecosystem Health and Management of Pollution

Pollution, pollution. Did you know there's this large polluting cloud over the Bay of Bengal? This is a significant component to work towards (in fact, everything is). BOBLME is working to establish an effective ecosystem indicator framework and trying to improve water quality of the sea and reduce coastal pollution.

Component 5. 

Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, and Knowledge Management

There won't be any point of all the components above if you can't manage these things. Establishing the regional coordination unit, monitoring and evaluating the system, disseminating project information-are all part of this component.

All around us, the marine ecosystems are in danger. Particularly the ones near the developing and non-developed countries, since these countries get the worst impacts of climate change and pollution. The Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem project has the potential to save and harness the ecosystem of the sea, better the lives of all the coastal population and in order, save the Bay of Bengal.


As a Eco-gen ambassador, I have written a total of six reports including this one. I love writing and I usually focus on sharing the insights (mine and others) upon problems and stories, rather than sharing the problems and stories like everyone. But I have been really preoccupied with my upcoming exams and my innovation project, so I haven't been able to concentrate on writing betterly. Therefore apologies; I promise I will come back with better reports next month (since exams will finish and school will close on December)!