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(plastic pollution)awarness programme.

by Susma Thapa | 10-11-2019 22:19

Let's unite and do something more grateful  for all of us. Today at  date of November 10 2019. A mass awareness programme about plastic pollution  was successfully conducted in a Rampur School Chitwan. The main motto of this programme is to inspire and aware students about the plastic pollutions.
There were more than 50 students along with some teachers. The programme was started by the formal introduction of Tunza eco generation then our Manisha sis gave a so much informative presentation about plastic pollution. About what is plastic pollution? What we can do protect this pollution ? And students were so good and listening us so peacefully.  We ask some of the question at the end of programme. And also we gifted some of the gifts to the students who have answered well. And along with we( tunza eco member) and students also clear the school field where plastic were lying here and there. 
Really! Plastic pollution become the serious problem which is increasing day by day. Due to this we are losing the beauty of our environment and  life of humans and animals as well. So it's time to do something from our side. We are the part of the nature and we have to step one step forward for the preservation of our environment. So this awareness programme is one of the major step to eradicate plastic pollution. And at the end, students were saying to us "We will also teach our parents and relatives about to reduce plastic pollution". So this is the things what we want from this programme.  we all were so happy.
And I would I like to thank  Bal Krisha dai, who includes us in his team and also thanks to Manisha sis who gave her great effort to success this programme.  Really! So thankful for being the member of this beautiful platform  where day by day I am learning so many new things.