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Awareness to village women about Air pollution while harvesting Crop

by Bal krishna Pandey | 03-11-2019 02:37

Friday, November 1, 8:50 pm
The people (SPECIALLY WOMEN) are very happy to be gathered for fun and dance at night after the hectic schedule of paddy harvesting in the day. I am happier among them because I have found the mass to organize some awareness program to the village women about the agricultural emission causing air pollution. Actually the mass (about 50 people among them 80% were female)was enjoying in their folk song and dance during the festival season, suddenly I made some conversation with my two friends Sangita Kafle and Krishna Pathak, who also are environment activist involving national organizations for cleanup program. We decided to make some awareness about the pollutions during rice harvesting season and divided our topic of interest to do some research and present the stories. I made some slogans regarding agriculture and pollution. Then in their program, we asked for few minutes and started informal program. First, I introduced them as an ambassador of Tunza Eco generation along with the brief introduction of the organization. Then, I got an opportunity to share recent story of air pollution in Delhi, capital of India. I described clearly how burning stubbles and crop residues can cause a nuisance to agriculture.
Then, Sangita kafle started to tell her journey in some organizations which is related to environment and cleanliness program. She requested to the villagers not to make the populated area dusty and dirty while harvesting paddy and other crops by using ecofriendly machines.  Krishna Prasad pathak talked about separating compost and non-compost kitchen wastes and plastic pollution. Also, we discussed about the harmful effect of burning of plastics.

Stubble burning is the practice of burning of paddy crop residues from field to plant the next crop i.e. wheat in Nepal and some parts of India. Nowadays, farmers apply combine harvesting method, where machines that harvest the crops as well as thresh, means separation of the grain, and it's cleaning together, but it leaves stubble behind because it doesn't cut close enough to the ground. The residue are not useful and burden to the farmers as they will be ready for sowing of next crop. So, foe economical, labor and time comfort, they clear the field by burning stubble and other crop residues. Burning stubble and crop residues releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and can cause a nuisance. It can also deprive the soil of valuable organic material. As an alternative to burning stubble and crop residues it is good practice to bale and cart straw from the fields, or chop the straw and plough it into the soil before establishing the next crop. There are many scientific and alternative methods too which I will explain in detail in my further posts.

I am sorry for the photos which are not clear and quality because of the night capture. I tried to conduct the program in the day but they were busy in their field work.  But I am so grateful for the things they did to me, they listened to me with their bright faces. I am wearing the smile they gave me :)