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Thematic report: renewable energy in Russia

by Nikolay Dagaev | 23-10-2019 04:02

Renewable energy in Russia is the energy sector of the country, which uses renewable energy sources. Of the country's total energy supply for 2017, only 4% was from renewable sources, two-thirds of which was from hydropower. Meanwhile, the economic potential of renewable sources of the country is quite large and, according to some estimates, is 270 million tons of conventional fuel per year.

In 2019, Russia adopted the program for the development of solar and wind energy until 2024 "Five gigawatts". It is planned that by 2024 the generation of electricity from renewable energy sources will be about 1% of the total production. Annual GDP growth in Russia will increase by 0.1%, 12 thousand new high-tech jobs will be created.

The leadership of the Russian Federation has set a priority task to improve energy efficiency in General. Therefore, the popularity of renewable energy sources in the Russian regions is increasing.

The development of this industry is as follows.

The use of wind.

The share of wind power does not exceed 30% of all electricity generated in the Russian territory. Our country can not be attributed to the leaders in renewable energy, but this figure can be called quite decent.

Note the presence of a large coefficient of efficiency in wind turbines located in the Caucasus region, the Urals and Altai. Wind power will have to be developed in the Pacific and Arctic oceans, and more specifically, on their Russian coast. Experts are looking for an opportunity to equip the coast of the Azov and Caspian seas, the southern part of Kamchatka, the Kola Peninsula with large wind farms. Localization of the most powerful operating wind farms exists in Bashkortostan, Crimea, Kamchatka and the Kaliningrad region.

Promising areas for the construction of wind turbines in Russia include the coasts of the seas, the Islands of the Arctic ocean.

Use of mountain rivers.

The energy of small water flows is also potentially high. In some Russian regions (for example, in the Caucasus), projects for the construction of small hydroelectric power plants on mountain rivers have been implemented. For such installations, periodic inspection is important. Round-the-clock maintenance of existing equipment is not required. But the inhabitants of the settlements located in these areas, there was enough relatively cheap electric energy. The cost of centralized power supply in these villages would be significantly higher.

Energy of geothermal sources.

The development of energy derived from geothermal sources is dynamic. According to available information, there are 56 such sources of thermal waters in the Russian territory. Of these, only 20 are used in industry. The entire complex of thermal power plants is located on the Kuril Islands and Kamchatka.

It is also commercially feasible to locate geothermal installations in Western Siberia and the North Caucasus.

Solar energy.

On the territory of Crimea, Bashkortostan, Altai Krai you can see a lot of huge sites dotted with solar panels. In these regions, the use of solar energy is the most profitable.

On the basis of data on renewable energy sources in the Russian regions, we can conclude about the slow but correct development of this direction. But it cannot yet be compared with world leaders who use renewable energy efficiently.

The desire to successfully develop Russia's renewable energy sector faces insufficient potential and support. The confidence of Russian power engineers is that in the foreseeable future renewable energy sources will remain only a help for traditional fuels.