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Reasons Why Your Office Should Go Paperless

by Kevin Devoto | 23-10-2019 07:08

As you check your email and click the Facebook invitation to Sarah¡¯s party this weekend, checking your PC¡¯s calendar to be sure you¡¯re free that day, did you ever stop and consider that you saved at least three pieces of paper in only a few seconds? Not only was there no physical envelope to open with an invite inside of it, but even your calendar is digital. Small, daily examples of technology replacing paper happen without you even realizing it and paperless systems are only going to overtake more and more processes. As the years go by, it is slowly becoming clearer: Paper is becoming a thing of the past. You might think that sounds a little dramatic, but consider the reasons why it¡¯s a better idea if more large companies use less paper.

Better Security

Sensitive documentation comes in all different forms: Whether you work at a school, a doctor¡¯s office or are the mayor¡¯s secretary, there are many items that do not belong to the public¡¯s eyes. Paperwork is something physical that needs to be disposed of in a certain way, lest it ends up in the wrong hands and causes trouble in some form or another. 

Implementing a document management system not only files sensitive documents away almost lightning-fast, but it also contains different levels of security for users. You can set some files to allow everyone access, some that only grant a group of people access and still some that only one person can access. Compared to the shifty nature of actual, hard documents, this is a much safer option than paper. Copies can be made, paperwork can be pieced back together and all in all, it can become a bad situation very quickly.

More Convenience

If you¡¯re getting ready for a big presentation at work, when was the last time that you dragged out the poster board and construction paper to really wow the boss? If your answer was ¡°elementary school,¡± then you likely have worked with programs like Powerpoint or Slides before. These are only two of many slideshow-making apps, and only one example of how paperless options make everyday life at work more convenient.

If you¡¯re not sure of other ways that businesses going paperless is more convenient, there are plenty more examples that you¡¯ve probably grown desensitized to after so many years of use.

  • Meeting agendas. Paper takes up space. Who wants the responsibility of printing, filing and storing pages and pages that could just as easily have been an email or text? Instead of giving all employees each a printed copy of the agenda, share it with them via email or Google Docs. 

  • Brochures and marketing material. Sure, paper marketing has a time and place, but when meeting clients their first question will often be ¡°Do you have a website?¡± A stunning website that features answers to common questions, a brief company history and examples of completed jobs can replace the need for brochures and pamphlets altogether.

  • Receipts. Once upon a time, paper receipts were needed for things like warranties and proof of purchase, but these days all of that information is readily available online. Consider making the switch to e-receipts or invoices.

  • Menus. Have you ever been torn on whether or not to try a new restaurant only to pull up its menu online to take a look? Restaurants are businesses too, and this is one way that they can promote their company without using a physical object like a paper menu.

  • Paychecks. Remember last Friday how your boss handed you a paper check that they had signed, and you went to the bank and interacted with the teller and deposited your check into your account? Neither can we. Direct deposit eliminates the need for printed checks by transferring funds directly into your bank account. It¡¯s quick, simple and you can usually expect to get your money promptly at midnight.

Earth Friendly

Allow your inner orange dude with a mustache to start barking at you every time you toss a piece of paper in the trash can. By using less paper, you¡¯re making your dent — however small — in saving the trees.

  • Less paper that ends up in the trash is ultimately less trees that need to be cut down. For every document you upload to a digital file, a tree gets its wings. Or at least keeps its trunk.

  • Avoid filling landfills by changing company culture. It is unnecessary to print everything, despite the grumblings you may hear. Besides, why does the landfill need an extra six accidental copies of Brenda¡¯s cat meme?

  • You¡¯re left with a spiral wire and flimsy cardboard once you finish up a notebook, the more you print, the more toner cartridges end up in the dumpster and hardware like printers and fax machines need to be serviced and kept up. If you use less paper, interestingly you¡¯ll notice that you have less trash as a whole.

Data Storage is Minimalized

Uploading things to the cloud used to sound so mysterious, but nowadays it¡¯s second nature to drag-and-drop documents to your storage application of choice. And making backups of whatever you need is as simple as left-clicking and selecting from a menu. 

Now imagine a world that relies on paper documents, copies of those documents and also needs a place to store it all. Some things, like legal and government documents, do need to be physically copied for record-keeping reasons. However, backing up things that don¡¯t need to be printed, like photos and copies of the spreadsheets you need, has never been easier. Think of all the room that you could save if your office had fewer filing cabinets and more open space.

A ¡°paperless office¡¯ might be the latest buzzword in the business realm, but don¡¯t let it be just a fad in your workplace. Even though it¡¯s good for the environment and makes life easier, remember that it¡¯s going to be a reality for most businesses before too long. Technology is an ever-changing industry and before we know it, there will be a digital copy for everything. Stay ahead of the game by being an early adopter of the paperless culture.