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Rivers of Bangladesh and their hungry bellies (aka river erosion)

by Nazaha Amatullah | 30-09-2019 23:23

Bangladesh is a land of rivers. And by rivers, I don't mean the twig-like water body Thames they call a river in England (apologies to any English readers offended by this, but you really need to check out my country if you think that CANAL is a river). When I say rivers, I mean the one where you stand at a bank and can't see the other. Can you imagine how WIDE that means?
These rivers contribute a lot to our nation. They fill our tummies with yummy fishes. They play an important role to our communication system. We also produce a good amount of electricity from the river currents. Most importantly of all, rivers fill our need of water. It may not seem like much, rivers are meant to fill our needs of water after all, but there are countries where you have to buy water at a costly price and reserve it so you can drink later. In Banhladesh, we don't have to worry at that level.
However, the rivers aren't as faithfully serving as they may seem. Turns out, they've got a bigger murderous streak then you can imagine.
River erosion.
Before I explain that, let me tell you something else: The rivers of Bangladesh are  very special types of rivers. They are called alluvial. Alluvial is a particular type of soil. Basically, when the rivers wash up on the shore, they bring up these soils with the waves. As the water ebbs away, alluvial gets stuck on the muddy banks. This process has been going on for centuries. This alluvial is extremely enriched and is perfect fot growing crops. This soil is the reason behind Bangladesh's reputation for agriculture and its crops.
Now, the question remains: how is this alluvial related to river erosion? Answer: this alluvial is the reason behind river erosion. Like I mentioned before, rivers aren't much of submissives as they seem. As the rivers are giving away alluvial, enriching our soil, they are also craving the soil. Confused? Let me explain it much simply.
The rivers work there way down in a zigzag path. But its flow is always straightforward. So as the current moves, sooner or later, it would hit a bank. When it hits the bank, it changes its coarse. It turns oposite and goes straight again...until it hits the bank. And the same process repeats.
So when the river is hitting the bank, it's actually loosening the soil there. A few more hits, you get chunks of it 'eaten' up by the river. It's always happening at a smaller scale; we just don't see it and it doesn't matter. But when it happens at a bigger can take out the entire bank,  countryside over the river, including the trees, fields and even the houses built on it. Sometimes the people! Most of the times, though, it actually 'eats' a couple of times until everything is submerged in the water.
Do you understand what river erosion is? Visit the link below and you will be directed to a youtube video that will give you a better-and horrific- idea.

River erosions usually take place during two times: after flood and before flood. Which means, during rainy season. The rivers are usually very turbulent around these times and the currents get real wild. Time for a party! Let's eat more and more soil!
You know the saddest thing about natural calamities? The poor people always get the worst of it. River erosion isn't an exception either. Just when the flood has subsided and the people have returned to their homes by the river, they have to deal with another crisis all over. The villagers keep estimating the water; they work out the predictations and begin moving their belongings away. Although, they might be able to save their lives and possessions, the damage of seeing your homeland get swallowed up by the water is unavoidable. The river is merciless when it comes to erosion. It wouldn't hesitate to wipe away your homeland from the face of the earth. Sometimes, the villagers return back to their home only to see nothing but water at the  spot they have lived their whole life.
So how do you prevent river erosion? Answer: there isn't any way. River erosion is a natural calamity. There is no way to prevent it. The river will always be hungry.
BUT, you could lower the damage. A lot of villagers put up dams over the banks. That way, the river doesn't attack that particular bank, so it goes high way up to another place. If we could ensure the 'another places' aren't living strips of other people, we can prevent further damage to other's mother land.
My mum's scientific researches (she's a water engineer)
My grade nine geography book.