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The Future belongs to Young People- YOUTHS AND THE ENVIRONMENT

by DAVID CHAPOLOKO | 30-09-2019 07:50

Climate crisis is getting worse each day, each year global temperatures are increasing by a Celsius and sea levels by 0.13 inches. The Ozone is depleting, while over 37.1 gigatonnes of Carbon-dioxide are being emitted from fossil fuels. 

300 million tons of plastics are being produced each year out of which 50% are single use purpose and are all piling and accumulating on the earth surface and much more in the sea. In fact by 2030 we will have more plastics than marine life in marine ecosystems. 

15.3 billion trees are cut down each year, and in 12000 years since the start of this so called 'industrial civilisation' global tree count has been reduced by 47% leaving the planet with 3.04 trillion trees only . 

So tell me, is this the future and legacy we want to leave for our children? We tell them we love them but we lie, we promise them a castle but they will have nowhere to build it on. Mother Earth is lamenting in pain. Who is coming through to save her before all her hope is lost. 

Are our children going to buy it when we tell them we destroyed their trees because it was cheaper to do or that we destroyed their atmosphere with fossil gases because it was economic? 
High time we woke up. Today if we really love our Kids, those born or those to come. Before we think of giving them that fancy life, lets give them a fancy Environment and a fancy future. As we are excited about these changes in technology we are calling civilisation, let it also excite us that we develop in the direction of Economic, Social and Environmental sustainability. 

I paid attention to the just ended UN Youth Climate Summit that was held in the USA on the 21st September 2019, I watched it virtually and I was inspired by a session where young people on the panel could fire their questions and requests to the United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres. They pointed out the climate injustices going on in the various parts of the world, and the negative impacts of climate change.

In his response, the Secretary-General stressed that he was aware how global leaders talk too much and listen too little. He commended the leadership and dynamism he has seen in youth movement towards climate action and encouraged young people to keep pushing forward. He said we should not stop holding his generation accountable and make sure they do not betray the future. 

These words touched me the most. It¡¯s seems like the older generation at least most of them have come to terms with their responsibility and feel accountable for the crisis. However, they need us the younger generation with fresh minds to help provide solutions. As Eco generation smbassadors, this is where we need to rise and show that we are not just concerned about the future, but we also have ideas of how to face it. Let us tell them what to do and demand that it is done.