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Youth and the Environment (Thematic Report)

by SANDIP PAUDEL | 20-09-2019 23:59


Youth, an dynamic potent change making agent. Can you believe this fact? Country Nepal has the Youth buldge of 40%. For the coming 20 year we will be in that state, it¡¯s a great opportunity for country to be enriched from utilization of youth resource. But truth is bitter, every day about 1500 youth leaves country for the education and job offers. Disclose this facts. Every year on August 12, we celebrate International youth day. This time we were with the theme of ¡°Transforming education for entrepreneurship and innovation¡±. In Nepal we celebrate this day, with quality handsome number of programmes and empower youth via related events, activities. I am preparing this report on the day 20 Sept.  mean a day of climate strike on cities across the world. It is designated to coincide with climate action summit being held at the United Nation in New York on Sept. 21-24.

Today let¡¯s have glance on some exemplary models of Youth and their bona fide diverged action toward environment—climate.

Climate Strike, What is it?

Greta Thunberg, a Swedish 16 Y.O. school student, sat infront of Swedish parliament building with hand painted displaying meaning of school strike for climateGreta was reminding Swedish lawmakers of promises they were not keeping—their 2015 Paris Agreement pledges to keep global temperatures at no more than 1.5¡ÆC (2.7¡ÆF) above when the industrial era began.

Four years on from Paris, almost no country are even close to meeting even their original commitments. Targets, which as we pump ever more carbon into the atmosphere, are fast becoming insufficient.

This one person strike drew a global attention, kick-started the world wide movement. In strike, youth walk of their school and workplaces to demand an end to the age of fossil fuels.

¡°The climate crisis has already been solved. We already have all the facts and solutions. All we have to do is wake up and change.¡±Greta Thunberg

The evidence

Young youth people see, in a way that too many adults do not, a world that is rapidly becoming unrecognizable.

The last four years have been the hottest ever recorded.

For the first time ever in human history, atmospheric carbon dioxide, the gas most responsible for global warming, is at a terrifying, a record-breaking surge in atmospheric pollution.

The Arctic burned in the northern summer, and ice sheets are melting at startling rates. Across the world cities are boiling like never before. Four European countries reached temperatures never before seen.

Strength in numbers

Greta Thunberg started alone, but quickly gained allies. Tapping into young peoples¡¯ anger and frustration, #FridaysForFuture climate strikes went global.

¡°It¡¯s not just an issue on the list for us kids. It¡¯s not; ¡®oh yes, I intellectually care about climate change because I have time in my spare time to feel good about myself and care about a turtle,¡¯ it¡¯s actual existential fear.¡± Jamie Margolin, Climate Activist & Co-founder of Zero Hour

Is the system broken?

Mr. Guterres has invited world leaders to the UN climate action summit in September in New York. The aim is to radically revise every country¡¯s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) by next year.

UNDP will launch the ¡®People¡¯s Climate Vote¡¯ which will bring the priorities of citizens to policymakers to increase political leadership and step up progress on carbon neutrality.

We want to make sure every person¡¯s voice is heard—no matter what their age.

Wake up and change

Global warming is an existential threat to our species, and it¡¯s not slowing down. The UN Secretary-General held a press conference to announce that in July we reached a temperature increase of 1.2¡ÆC (2.7¡ÆF).

With business as usual, we¡¯ll reach a 3.3¡ÆC (5.94¡ÆF) rise by the end of the century, and the life we know now will be unrecognizable.

The Sustainable Development Goals cover every aspect of a transformation that will halt the worst effects of climate change and bring a just and sustainable future.

We have the tools. All that¡¯s required is action for lasting change.

Representation/ Delegates from Nepal

Pramisha Thapaliya, administrative council member to Climates International 2018/19 got selected to the UN Youth climate action summit, she is the green ticket holder among 7000 applicant between age of 18 to 29, based on their demonstrated commitment to address crimate crisis and advancing solution.

Bindu Bhandari, Co-founder of Climates Nepal, Climate Interactive, US- based climate and think tank contributing toward the international diffusion of climate interactive simulator models. She will be joining the UN Climate week and co-facilitating a simulation workshop on 22nd sept. to global youth leaders gathering at the youth climate action summit.

Sabu Sharma, administrative council member to climate internation, Nepal resident girl; elected from Austrian Ministry, as a official delegation of Austria. She is holder of green ticket among 100 others.

These are the youth beholding responsibility from Nepal to put their ideas in the international community, help in planning, directing and coordinating procedure of formulating plans and policies mandatory for the world changing environment.


Yes, Country must formulated strategies along with implementation to convert disorganized human capital resource into useful and effective assets. Youth grown in positive environment show the capacity to develop into something in future, a truly valuable property for world. Youth can do anything, everything seems impossible until it is done. So, join the action of saving this world, march the rally of climate mean

Climate Action! Climate Action Now!!!