Changing the electricity supplier?by Dharmendra Kapri | 20-08-2019 14:54 |
Frustrating but true: the big energy companies are stubborn when it comes to letting go of irresponsible technologies such as coal and nuclear power. And unfortunately they are not at all impressed by arguments like clean or Eco friendly energy etc. But they understand one language very well: and that is the language of money. When they threatened with the loss of their customers and profits they are forced to listen, whether they want to or not! Therefore, it would be really fantastic if as many of us possible were able to switch to more environmentally friendly energy providers. The change is actually quite simple! Switching to green energy or providers is not only a political action, it is also a more direct way to protect the environment. Generating green energy creates only 1/3 of the amount of CO2 produced by conventional means. For instance, if a four-persons family uses green electricity instead of conventional electricity for an entire year, they will save around 3,256 kilogram of CO2. So, what do you guys think? Is green energy is a reliable option for your country and what¡¯s the status of green energy and green energy providers in your country. Let¡¯s have a discussion on the comment section below. |