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Happy Rakhshya Bandan

by Dibya Bhatta | 15-08-2019 12:36

JanaiPurnima is a Hindu festival celebrated on the fullmoonday in the month of #Bhadra according to the Hindu lunar calendar. On this day, Hindu men from the Brahmin and Chhetri communities take their annual ritual bath and change their ¡°Janai¡± or sacred thread around their body in cross way.
It is also celebrated as Rakhshya Bandan where a sacred thread is tied around our right wrist by our family priest.and the very thread is tied on the tail of cow ,who is also worshipped as goddess during the festival of tihar.according to hindhu mythology,there is a river call baitarni on the way to heaven and if we tie that thread on tail of cow we can cross the river with ease.
Today is also celebrated as Rakhi where sisters tie holy rakhi around brothers hand wishing health and happiness.
We eat Quati (mixture of 9 seeds of pulses ,wetted and sprouted) and other delicious food stuffs.
Happy JanaiPurnima, Rakhshya Bandan and Rakhi to everyone!
I encourage fellow youths and mentors to visit Nepal some day to explore it's culture!