Youth and Sandhya Adhikari | 14-08-2019 03:39 |
In the context of the developing countries like ours it is so ridiculous to express that the profession of agriculture is not much more encouraged.When we have the glance over our country majority about 64.9% total population are involved in agriculture. Agriculture has became the backbone of our country economy too. So if we want to have a proper development then the involvement of youth is most and youth and agriculture are interrelated to each others. Youth are considered to be the dynamic change maker and transformer for nation building as the strength of future development solely depends upon them. Youth are considered as the integral part of overall socio-economic development so the future of any country is predicated on its present youth productive force. So youth are the change maker and transformer. In the context of Nepal, National Youth Policy has considered youth as the age group of people between 16-40 years age so the youth consists of 38% total population but unfortunately about 3 millions youth are working as the migrant worker. More decade ago, agriculture was supposed to be the prior one but now in the modern world person have the negative perceptive that it is only a back breaking labour, without an economic payment and only have little room for career development. But now in our country realizing the importance of youth and youth involvement for sustainable development several youth oriented programmes and plans have been came into existence.Although the profession has not any glamour but it has a wide beauty like a deep oceans with various boundless opportunities. youth has the potential to do something for the nation. Their involvement can feed the hunger, eradicate malnutrition and feed the world as well helping the sector adopt to climate change. Still there are a lot of challanges and obstacles for this sectors but if awareness and education can be given to the youth then agriculture industry can attract youth again and their involvement and engagement can be the third eye for national economy and milestone for climate change. Thank you...... Green cheers.....