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by Godfred Owusu | 16-08-2023 20:17

Outreach program

On 14th August 2023, I conducted environmental campaign at Jensla School Complex in Pankrono Adabraka community located in Ashanti Region Ghana. The aim of the campaign is to educate the young people about environmental conservation and also show them how they can be innovative to improve sustainability in our communities. The school children were happy to see me and also get this opportunity to voice out their ideas to conserve the environment. 
We started the campaign by asking the Students what environment is. They brought different definition about the environment, these are: 
Environment is anything that surround us, Environment is natural and man made things that surround us. But one definition that shock me was, environment is things that surrounding us both naturally and man made, but it becomes environment if we keep it clean and safe to support human life and other functions (Opoku Clement, Jensla School Complex student). We then continued the conversation by asking what are some of the human activities that affect the environment. The children brought their concerns about saying; air polluting, land degradation, water pollution and any activities which does not support the support the environment to function. One of the students ask me, how can we conserve the environment? I told them that through education, volunteering, and managing our own waste that is reduce, reuse, recycle our watse materials by being innovative. One the students told me that, sometimes when you tell the elderly people to do the right thing to conserve the environment, especially when putting rubber or unwanted materials on the environment, they will shout at you and tell you that you don't respect people and what power do you have to command your parents. I was sad when I heard that. This means our young people have the passion to conserve the environment but our elders stop/ cease them when they voice out their opinion. So as part of my work, I encourage them to find a polite way to educate their parents and, I will also educate and give polite advice to our elders that, when it comes to environmental conservation no one is young because each and every voice matter. Outreach programOutreach program

I continued my presentation by showing them my project/ ideas taking in place to reduce plastic pollution. I used water bottle corks/ stopper to produce basket. I told them to use waste materials to produce something different which can help reduce plastic watse to sustain our environment. I gave them one week to bring their project works to their school, I will come back and check it by given them award. I'm doing all this to help young people love/ have passion in environmental conservation for now and future generation. ProjectProject

I awarded the Students who participate and contribute/ share their ideas during the campaign exercise books to continue their education. And I told them I will come back and check their project by given them another award for being innovative to conserve the environment. Outreach programOutreach program
Outreach programOutreach programOutreach programOutreach programOutreach program
To conclude, I will plead all ambassadors and young volunteers to help and encourage young people voice thier ideas to conserve the environment. Most of them have ideas but thier societies look down on them, so we can take this opportunity to bring these young people to promote sustainability. watch out for thier project works.

Thank you for reading!