Climate Change and Wildlifeby Nishan kc | 05-08-2019 02:44 |
Climate change, also called global warming refers to a long-term change in the earth¡¯s climate. It is causing an excessive rise in average surface temperature on earth. Human activities such as burning fossil fuels and farming are the main reason behind the cause of climate change. Burning fossils fuels emits carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas which produces ¡°greenhouse effect ¡°. The greenhouse effect makes the earth warmer.
The glorious wildlife cannot escape the manmade effects of climate change. Increasing climate change has begun to affect wildlife across the globe in a rigorous way. They bring many threats like habitat destruction, food shortage, and diseases to wildlife. As a consequence, many animal species are on the brink of extinction and some of them have already vanished from the earth. The endangered Bramble Cay melomys is a small rodent that lives on a tiny island in the eastern Torres Strait. These species are not sighted from its known location from past many years. Experts believe that they might have vanished from the planet due to increasing climate change. However, this is only one example. Columbia¡¯s Spotted Frogs are the most endangered species of frog among reptile group, American Pika that closely resembles like rabbit is now most threatened and Adélie Penguin, mostly found in the Antarctica is under several threats because of globally rising temperature.
The article was originally published in the Rising Nepal on February 21, 2019. The article was written by myself. -Nishan KC Photo source: |