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Thematic Report: Sustainable Development And Its Environment

by Muskan Priya | 01-08-2019 20:49

Sustain means to live and being carried on and development refers to upgradation & improvement of the thing concerned. Now, together Sustainable Development means development of a world without compromising needs of future generations i.e., with the motive of limiting the exploitation of natural resources simultaneously. According to Brutland Commission in its 1987 report "Our Common Future", "Sustainable development is development that needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

It is actually a relationship between human activities and natural resources. The concept of environmental sustainable economic growth is not new, the need for it has been considered over the course of history. It is the hormony among environment, society and economy.

The United Nations General Assembly, in September 2015 had formally accepted "universal, integrated and transformative" 2030 Agenda for sustainable development which is a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs in short). All the 17 goals are to be implemented in all the member countries during 2016 to 2030. Sustainable development consists of three components which are-economic growth, environmental stewardship & social inclusion.

For the conservation of natural resources it is important for the countries to understand the importance of the need to adopt to the sustainable development. Education for SD is important for this. Students being taught about values and skills will develop attitudes in them to ensure a more sustainably equitable society. And it has been observed that more and more countries are taking up measures of their own in their own unique manner. People are changing their habits and switching to more eco friendly activities like cycling, farmers are being taught how to produce food smartly and industries are realising as to how much they can save energy.