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[Free Report] Manzomthombo High School Environmental and Groundwater Awareness and Education!

by Rosa Domingos | 29-07-2019 21:09

Good day everyone!


I hope all is well! The date 11 July 2019, was a memorable one for Mrs. Vuyi Tumana, Aphiwe and I. We had conducted a Groundwater awareness and Education and Environmental Health awareness. I also promoted of in conjunction with the Regen Agency and Tunza Eco-Generation.

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Aphiwe and I. Talking to the class about pollution and groundwater pollution types.

We visited Manzomthombo High school in Mfuleni, Cape Town. We initially met up with three young girls who are in grade 11. They are passionate about the environment but would like to venture into medicine, they are: Thobeka, Alizwa, Silindokuhle. I too this opportunity to talk about aspects of what in study in university, what to expect when embarking on a new journey in university and what to study in terms of certain subjects in high school.

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I talked about Tunza Eco-Generation, the mandate and objectives as well as groundwater pollution and awareness.

I told them a little bit about my life and how I have been an ambassador for a three terms. I informed them about the various competitions hosted by Tunza currently, such as the Monthly Event for July, the Essay competition: BeatAirPollution, and the Junior Engineering Academy 2019 in November!  

Taking notice of all this, I made sure to hand out the Tunza Eco-Gen pamphlets so that they can read on more information pertaining to the Platform. I handed out pens, pencils, mini notebook and my business card if they needed to get in touch with me in the near future.

high school

We passed around some rocks for the learners to take a look at and discuss on how these rocks are linked to yielding high volumes and low volumes of water.

Vuyi also talked about her NGO (Regen Agency), where they talk about the mandate of her organisation and what they aim to achieve. She talked about future events that will take place with the cooperation of the school and neighborhoods. Such as river clean ups and recycling and selling their recycled items.

Aphiwe also talked about herself and the Agency she works for. And also mentioned aspects in relation to pollution within an environment.

high school

We discussed pH and EC and how we use those two parameters when we're in the field taking water sampling.

All-in-all, the event turned out to be very successful and informative! I enjoyed my day with the youth and I am hoping to see them soon. I would like to thank Aphiwe and Vuyi for their guidance and assistance throughout the whole programme. They made the day worthwhile and meaningful!