What is Solar Energy, and How is it Used?by Paisley Hansen Hansen | 19-07-2019 02:20 |
Solar Energy is a reusable natural form of energy coming from one of the most abundant natural resources in the universe, the sun. Not only does the sun provide light for us during the day along with the heat it is also a powerful photon's within its UV Rays. Harnessing this energy has created an alternative source for electricity and a prime example of doing this is through solar panels. How Solar Panels WorkSolar panels are constructed using silicon and creating a sort of semiconductor that is comprised of a positive and negative layer. The panels are placed in direct sunlight usually in a high place such as a roof of a house to absorb the energy from it, to store into the energy cells. Sort of like a battery that has DC components so does Solar Panels. Another key component to the solar panels is the inverter. This is sort of the brain of the setup, it is through the inverter that the energy from the sun goes from being DC to AV the inverter also keeps track of the amount of voltage being used and the amount still inside of the solar panels. Sort of like the electric meter that keeps track of kilowatts used per month. There are currently two types of solar energy primarily used inside these panels, these are: Photovoltaic Energy: Perhaps the most commonly used way to store the energy into solar panels. Basically capturing the photovoltaic rays inside the panels to power up the battery source. Thermal Solar: A more advanced method that is starting to catch on as a way to store the sun's energy as well. This one has a wider range of uses such as cooling and heating a home or office building. including working as a water heating unit as well. There are three levels of the temperatures in the setting, that goes from low to high. However, it has been determined that this way of harnessing solar energy isn't practical in providing electricity as the PV method is, so both of these more or less work in conjunction with each other, not as direct competition. Using Solar Energy in the Home or BusinessAs for how efficient are solar panels that are installed to a home or business? This technology now has a proven track record of effectively providing electricity. It effectively keeps are home electronics working, our lighting features coming on, and is even effective to be used for heating or cooling purposes. As for that myth that if there are rainy weather solar panels will leave a home with no electricity. That simply isn't true, the solar panels drink up the sun's UV Rays and stores it within them like a battery source and a generator. In fact, the opposite is true those with solar energy have a better chance of keeping their power on during a storm than those who rely on conventional electricity due to power outages that can occur. As for the cost of installing solar panels, when we stop to think of how it will cut back on the electric bill per month eventually these will pay for themselves down the line. The Growth of Solar EnergySolar energy technologies are still moving forward and continue to be researched as to various ways we can continue to harness the sun's natural energy so who knows what technology will come up with in the future. One thing is certain industry continues to move forward and continues to gain popularity. In the United States alone the industry has shown a steady growth of at least 50% per year. As we grow more aware of what we are doing to mother earth is important to start to harness reusable resources such as solar energy. |