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A Book Review: Boris Vasiliev "Do not shoot the white swans"

by Nikolay Dagaev | 26-06-2019 15:30

"Do not shoot the white swans" - piercing story of Boris Vasiliev.

George Polushkin – rustic, kind man, loving nature and all living things.

Yegor in his home farm was in good standing, and then just all went wrong, because the cheat could not and was slow, but with soul. He began to work in the carpenter's brigade, where because of his slowness he thwarted the plan. Then he was a handyman and once dug a trench for a sewer pipe. In order not to damage the anthill, he let his trench to bypass. Well, he did not realize that the crooked pipe laying, no one will. Then Yegor began to work at the boat station, which took tourists to the reserve, but even here he did not stay long, and again because of the anthill, which drunken tourists burned with gasoline in front of him. 

Once Yegor was invited to the all-Union meeting of foresters in Moscow, where he returned with a pair of live swans, purchased for the money that he was given to the villagers for all sorts of purchases. Polushkin arranged his swans near the Black Lake. But in the dead of night Forester suddenly heard a strange noise, it was a rifle. Leaping on the horse, Egor ran into the woods and saw that the poachers killed the swans and cook yourself a soup. 

Yegor has entered conflict and going alone against felony drunken and violent poachers. For his love of beauty, the protagonist paid with his life.

"Do not shoot the white swans" - the title-the call with which the author appeals to all people, warning them against cruelty.

My favorite quote from the book:

-And nature, as long as she suffers. She dies silently, for a long time. And no people she is not king, nature is something. Not the king – it is harmful, the king is to be called. He is the son of her eldest son. So be reasonable, not driving in a coffin Mama.