Research : Sustainability Management Programmeby Bwalya Bwalya | 24-06-2019 17:48 |
Title: A sustainability management programme for charcoal burning in Chongwe district of Zambia. Aim: To reduce the massive exploitation of trees through charcoal burning both at small and large scale. objectives; ¨ª To sensitize the people of Chongwe the dangers associated with charcoal burning (deforestation) and negative impact on the environment. ¨ª To implement working strategies that will help reduce heavy dependences on charcoal. ¨ª Find out possible sources of energy/income activity in helping the Chongwe residents to divert from charcoal burning. Introduction Zambia¡¯s unambiguous call to conserve its natural resources to be specific forest has been conceded by the fact that the majority Zambian are poor and literally depend on trees for their livelihood. It is not an overestimation fact that protection of forests in Zambia, like anywhere else, is crucial in enhancing a great environment key for sustainable development. However, it is equally true that the need to conserve the forests and the environment in general has gone into conflict with people¡¯s desire to get immediate benefit and endure their living. The cutting down of trees to open up fields in rural areas and the burning of charcoal have escalated deforestation. Deforestation is a major factor which has led to soil erosion, siltation of lakes, rivers, and dams and other water bodies, loss of biodiversity and animal habitat and eventually climate change. The heavy reliance on wood fuel that characterizes energy consumption in Chongwe is often cast as inherently damaging to the environment. In this regards, the essay attempt to design a sustainable management programme for chongwe community where deforestation is an environment hazard. And it will also show how various actors and their actions will be incorporated into programme. Definition of concepts Sustainability can be defined as the development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, (Brundtland, 1987). Deforestation is removal of forests leading to several imbalances ecologically and environmentally. It can also defined as the permanent destruction of forests in order to make the land available for other uses such as industries, roads and cities. What makes deforestation alarming is the immediate and long term effects it is bound to inflict if continued at the current pace. Some predictions state that the rainforests of the world will be destroyed completely if deforestation continues at its current pace forest (Act 1999). Description of Chongwe district Chongwe is a district of Zambia in Lusaka province, it is located between the longitudes 28◦and 42◦ East and between the latitudes 15◦ and 20◦ South, 45 kilometers east of the central business area of the City of Lusaka. It covers a total surface area of 10500 km2. The population of Chongwe has been rising from 1990 to date. In 1990 the population was 95, 738 people, as of 2000 censes the population was 137, 461 people and in 2010 censes the population was 192,303. The main crop grown for household consumption is maize, it is grown by almost every families, if not all. The district is mostly comprised of less educated people and unemployed. And majority of people are in self-employment (Charcoal burners, Farmers, Casual workers) due to lack of job opportunity in the district, (central statistical office, 2011). Reasons for cutting down of trees Chongwe district just any other district in Lusaka is faced with a lot poor people who have to work on the environment to meet their daily basic needs. Charcoal burning in Chongwe has resulted due to lack of alternative income generation ventures among its inhabitants. This has provided some sort of employment for some residents in the district, thereby, improving their livelihood. Charcoal burning practices has resulted into deforestation which has causes soil erosion, and loss of biodiversity. Better still, it provided a number of people with employment. Furthermore, deforestation took place in Chongwe district because it is more close to Lusaka and the demand for charcoal is high, thus, cutting on transportation expenses and easier to transport timber/charcoal (refer to appendix 1). Most of trees cut in Chongwe are also supplied as raw material to constructions and furniture firms in town centers like Buseko market and outside Zambia e.g. Kenya and Tanzania, (Bank of Zambia, 1999). Other Causes of Deforestation in Chongwe community Agricultural Activities is one of the major factors affecting deforestation. Due to overgrowing demand for food products, huge amount of trees are fell down to grow crops and for cattle grazing. Wood is used as fuel both directly and indirectly, therefore trees are chopped for supplies (refer to appendix 2). Some of these industries thrive on illegal wood cutting of trees especially in Northern Province of Zambia and export the timber to Tanzania, (Republic of Zambia, 2001). Urbanization is of major causes of deforestation in Chongwe, for instance, the construction of roads; trees are chopped to create roads. Overpopulation too directly affects forest covers, as with the expansion of cities more land is needed to establish housing and settlements. Therefore forest land is reclaimed. Some of the other factors that lead to deforestation are also part natural (volcanic eruption) and anthropogenic activities such as charcoal, burning, mining activities, (Kambani, 2000). Effects of deforestations on the environment The following are some of the effects of deforestation; Ecological imbalance; Trees release water vapor in the air, which is compromised on with the lack of trees. Trees also provide the required shade that keeps the soil moist. This leads to the inequity in the atmospheric temperature further making conditions for the ecology difficult. This haphazard clearance of forests have forced several of these animals to shift from their native environment. Due to this several species are finding it difficult to survive or adapt to new habitats. Increase in Global Warming: Trees play a major role in controlling global warming. The trees utilize the greenhouse gases, restoring the balance in the air. With continuous clearance of the forest the ratio of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has increased, adding to global warming anguishes, (Sekeli, 2002). With the clearance of tree cover, the soil is directly exposed to the sun, making it dry. Floods: When it rains, trees absorb and store large amount of water with the help of their roots. When they are cut down, the flow of water is disrupted and leads to floods in some areas and droughts. And finally Wildlife Extinction: Due to enormous felling down of trees, various species of animals are lost. Some of them are even pushed to extinction, (State of the Environment, 2000) Sustainability management programme for Chongwe district Actions Method Target Actors/partners Expected outcomes Awareness programs, to educate the Chongwe residents on the negative effect of charcoal burning. Games: (football, netball After the games, a talk on dangers of charcoal burning). Charcoal burners both the youths and adult environmental educators, ZEMA and forestry officials Understand the effect of charcoal burning and able to state what are the effect of deforestation. Population Education; Unplanned settlement and population growth in Chongwe district have contributed to clearance of the trees. Seminars; Family planning measures to reduce unplanned pregnancies and prevent early marriages among the youths. Chongwe residents both the adult and youth. Ministry of Health and ministry of community development mother and child health and non-governmental organisation. Adoption of family and birth control measures; condom use, intrauterine device, Norplant, oral pill, injectable depo provera, vasectomy and female sterilization. Rural electrification; will help to reduce the demand for charcoal on the market. Building power station and supply electricity to charcoal dependent. Chongwe residents (to supply electricity to the people¡¯s houses ) Ministry of energy, Rural electrification authority. Less demand for on the market because people will be using stoves. Divert from charcoal uses to renewable resources which have a much lower impact on the environment; Solar water panels, Solar voltaic panels, Efficient wood stoves, Wind power Biomass power and Bio-digesters. Workshop, media (T.V and radio newspapers), lecture and door to door sensitization; to educate the people how to use those environmental friendly renewable resources. charcoal burners and consumers especially big cities (Lusaka and copperbelt) Government through Ministry of energy, and environmental educators from ZEMA and non- governmental organization dealing with the environmental Increases in the uses sustainable green energy sources and reduce charcoal demand in Chongwe and the Nation at large. Skills empowerment; (To teach the local people how to make sustainable brazier with clay and biogas using animal waste). Seminar, television and radio programmes, (to demonstrate how to make energy efficient braziers). Charcoal burners and supply some braziers to Lusaka. ZEMA, World vision and Art council of Zambia officials. Less demand of charcoal on the market because people uses less charcoal. Economic diversification from charcoal burning to bee keeping, fish farming, cattle rearing and poultry. workshop; Educating local people on new economic activities Charcoal burners and unemployed youths Department of fisheries, forestry, ministry of agriculture, and world bank Reduction in charcoal burning practices and poverty level in chongwe Formulation and Adopting policies that aimed at protecting the forestry. Radio program and holding public discussion with the local people. The charcoal burners chiefdom and civic leaders, ministry of justice, forestry and ZEMA officials improve in Good governance and political sustainability Monitor charcoal burning activities and advocates for law protecting the environment Forum with local management who observes offenders (law breakers). charcoal burners Ministry of justice, Zambia police and district council officers. adoption of environmental law and reduction in charcoal burning eventually deforestation Sustainability management programme for Chongwe district continuous; for the programme to be successful it must have the following; Awareness and sensitization More informed development of strategies and programmes to address impact, ideally as part of a community development approach from early in the charcoal business. In case of chongwe communities more especially those who are affected should not find it surprise when deforestation activities to be precise charcoal burning is the cause of many environmental issues they are facing today. And for those who are in charcoal burning activities, this programme will educate them and able understanding some of the environment impacts that are aroused from charcoal burning and how they can best conserve forest, through sensitization programmes carryout by environmental educator and ZEMA officials through door to door sensitization, discussions, workshops and medias (Newspaper, magazine, flyers, television, radio). Actors involved Involvement of the government, through ministry of Ministry of tourism, natural resources and environment and ministry of agriculture, department of forestry and fisheries as well as Zambia wild life authority and non-governmental organizations. These actors can take several initiatives towards regulating deforestation activities (Chongwe) for conserving the environment. v Through Zambia Wildlife Act 1998, to protect biodiversity involve and provide benefits to local communities so that they are motivated to conserve the resources and use them in a sustainable manner. v Provide an enabling framework for promoting the participation of local communities, NGOs and the private sector in forest conservation and Joint Forest Management. Develop an action plan An action plan is developed to rationalize the process of plan implementation, which will regulate actions, responsibilities in achieving overall success. However, will be a continuing need for some new or expanded aggregate deforestation operation on environment to meet their need. There is a need to identify and protect woodland (trees) through planning system, and to ensure an adequate supply of charcoal to meet the demand without disturbing the ecological function of the forest, while at the same time protecting the forest by using other sources of energy like solar. The Ministry of Tourism, Natural Resources and Environment should establish the necessary partners in environmental care and management to see that a time bound Action Programme for implementation is developed and agreed. This will include legal, fiscal and institutional arrangements as well as a wide range of activities focusing on environmental care and sound environmental management spelt out in the National Policy on Environment and within the sphere of the economic development programmes that will benefit the Chongwe dwellers. In addition, provide alternative income generating activities as a means of assisting the conservation of biodiversity (forestry). Extend the scope and capability of Environmental Fund for community-based environmental projects presently managed by the Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources to incorporate biodiversity conservation, nature-based tourism and new income initiatives. For instances, gives loans to the residents so that they can venture into business and projects such as bee keeping, fishing farming, sustainable charcoal burning whereby deforestation is accompanied by afforestation. Implement plan Upon approval of the entire sustainability management programme the development action will be implemented. Appointing specific sectors to deal with illegal charcoal burning such as Zambia police, environmental health inspectors, and Chongwe district council as well as forestry officials to partner with Zambia Environmental Management Agency to monitor the situations and make ensure that the sustainability programme is been implemented in systematic manner. Solutions Charcoal burning practices causes public disturbance to the environment air pollution (refer to appendix 3). To maintain positive relations with the environment, it is recommended that minimize these events be developed. Examples of solutions to include within such a plan consist of the following; v Promote dissemination of indigenous knowledge about the medicinal and other properties of Zambia's indigenous forest resources and where possible assist in marketing such knowledge for the benefit of the custodians of the knowledge on media like ZNBC. v Ensure the sustainable utilization of forest resources by practicing conservation in the use of forest products, improving specifically the efficiency of fuel wood conservation, recycling paper through incentives and regulations and substituting fuel wood with alternatives such as paraffin, solar energy, biogas, electricity and coal where feasible. v Promote and support the conservation and protection of forest ecosystems and the growing of trees by individuals, companies, estates, local communities and authorities, including the integration of forests and trees into farming systems and soil conservation activities. In addition, the best solution to curb deforestation in chongwe is by employing a series of rules and laws to protect the forest. Deforestation in the current situation may have reduced however it would be too prompt to assume. Complete Clearance of forests at one place must be banned. This will reduce total depletion of the forest cover. It is a practical solution and is very reasonable. Land skinned of its trees cover for urban settlements should be advised to plant trees in the purlieu and replace the cut trees. And finally creation alternatives sources of income for the charcoal burners and reduce the demand of charcoal on market by providing initiatives such as sustainable braziers. Expected positive outcomes v Adoption of income generating activities that should reduce pressure on forestry products such as the commercial use of Non-timber Forest Products, bee keeping, fishing farming. v Understand the effect of charcoal burning and able to state what are the effect of deforestation. v Adoption of environmental law and improve in sustainable charcoal burning and reduction in illegal charcoal burning in Chongwe and the country at large. v Better understanding of ecological issues such as deforestation, climate change and drought. In conclusion, Zambia is endowed a wealth of natural resources within 16 eco-systems with landscape that include forest, grassy plains, huge lake, escarpment, rivers to mentioned but the few. Current the country is face with the challenges of deforestation at the rate of 250-300 thousands hectares per year, land deforestation in many places is verging desertification, wildlife depletion, soil erosion. Finally deforestation in Zambia is many caused by uncontrolled forest product exploitation, illegal settlement, encroachment, clearing of land for agriculture purposes. Deforestation is further increased by wood fuel demand which is still energy source and about 80% of population, used by most households. REFERENCES Bank of Zambia annual report, 1999. Brundtland, G. H. (1987). Our Common Future: the world commission on environment. Central statistical office, (2011). 2010 Census Report Analysis. CSO printers, Lusaka. Kambani, S. (2000). Policy and Strategy options for Small-scale Mining Development in Zambia. Mineral and energy raw material Report; 15(3). Republic of Zambia, (1999). Forest Act 1999. 8th October, 1999. Republic of Zambia, (1990). Environmental Protection and Pollution Control Act. No. 12 of 1990. Republic of Zambia. (2001). Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, First Draft. September. Saasa, O.S. (2003). Macro-study: Agricultural Intensification in Zambia. The Role of Policies and Policy Processes. Lusaka, Zambia. Institute of Economic and Social Research, University of Zambia, Lusaka. Sekeli, P.M. and Phiri, M. (2002). State of Forest and Tree Genetic Resources in Zambia. Prepared for the Second Regional Training Workshop on Forest Genetic Resources for Eastern and Southern African. State of the Environment (2000). Environmental Council of Zambia, Zambia Agriculture data - Final Draft. The IDL group, Lusaka. |