One of the most important problems- BIODIVERSITYby Mehri Huseynli | 01-06-2019 05:24 |
The existence of life in the world is under serious crisis. Uncertainty about the importance of biodiversity is one of today's most important problems. Many of us need to know this fact: biological diversity is also very important for people as well as for other life forms on the planet. The United Nations General Assembly has declared 2010 the International Year of Biodiversity to highlight the importance of biodiversity. The UN General Assembly adopted a new resolution (65/161), Dec 22, 2010, Declaring 2011-2020 as the "United Nations Year Ten Valley of Biodiversity." While working to promote the protection of biodiversity in the United Nations, people are not concerned about the importance and protection of biodiversity. Rapid consumption of natural resources and rapid pollution of fertile soils clearly demonstrate this truth. In Biology, "biological diversity" is known as the integrity of genes, species and ecosystems in a region. In a simple language, it is the change of certain ecosystem life forms that cover all living organisms there. The biodiversity of our planet consists of millions of species of flora and fauna. However, the distribution of these species is quite irregular. Large balances are mainly observed in tropical regions. These lines can be a surprise for you, but up to now, 99% of the world's flora and fauna have been exhausted. The last of the mass extinction is Cretaceous-Tertiary. He originated 65 million years ago, and his disappearance led to the disappearance of dinosaurs and some reptiles. Many scholars link the sixth mass of people with direct human activities. Indeed, plants and animals are bound to each other. The disappearance of a single species impacts negatively on other species directly or indirectly. All ecosystems have interconnected food chains. For example, the disappearance of a species of bee species from nature would mean that there would be no 100,000 plant species. Predatory-hunting is an important part of the ecosystem. Thus, predatory or hunting populations may have a major change in the overall function of the ecosystem. The tiger (Panther Tiger), one of the four big cats in the Indian subcontinent, is facing a threat of extinction. There is also a significant reduction in the deer population. Let's compare the relationship between the deer and their predators- tigers. The decline of the deer population leads to the hungry tiger populations. In such a situation, the tigers begin to look for pets as food that they do not find in natural conditions. How will this situation affect the human race? If the tigers¡¯ wildlife resources are exhausted, the next material for the foreseeable future will be the people around the forests and those living in these settlements at best. Then tigers and people will come face to face. As a result, both sides will suffer. |