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World Otter Day-29 May

by Nishan kc | 30-05-2019 18:26

We have been celebrating many charismatic wild species day like world Tiger day on July 29 and world rhino day on 22 September but this month, 29 may is the special day for otters. Yeah, the day is to be celebrate and make the otters smile worldwide by raising awareness for their contemporary threats.

Who are otters?

Otters are lovable small mammals that live on land and in water. Fish and smalls reptiles are the main diet of otters. Otters are only the aquatic mammal that don¡¯t have blubber (an insulating layer of fat under the skin of whales and other large marine mammals; used as a source of oil).

Why are they endangered?

Due to the increasing illegal trade for their fur, they are becoming endangered nowadays. Other direct threats to otters may include: extensive uses of Insecticide and Pesticides, water pollution and Global warming.

But the problem¡¦..

Instead protected by laws, otter's illegal trade is still booming worldwide, that take most of the otter species towards the brink of extinction. Southern River Otter, Hairy Nosed Otter, Giant Otter and the India Smooth Coated Otter are categorized as vulnerable and endangered in the IUCN red list of threatened species.

What can we do?

Strengthen anti-poaching law is the crucial step to forward to combat against these increasing illegal trade of their furs.

Save Otters from Extinction!!!!

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